Nails of the Week #22: Christmas Day Edition

Sunday, December 28, 2014

Christmas Day is over, wrapping paper is in the recycling bin, I've eaten my own body weight in festive treats - make that twice my own body weight - and I've barely been out of my pyjamas for longer than a shower and a family meal. But what a wonderful day it was! 

I wanted something special on my nails for Christmas Day so you can imagine my glee when I found this duo in H&M a few weeks before.  

There are two polishes in this set, one is a lovely red and the other has different sized pieces of red foil and glitter in it. I painted my thumb and ring finger with the sparkle and the rest of the nails with the unnamed red and it made for such a pretty look. It's glam, Christmassy and has a sweet case of elegance to it. 

Considering the set only cost £2.99, the varnishes themselves are of great quality! The formula was thick enough to only need two coats and the sparkly foil layered up nicely. It also didn't chip until the latter part of the week, which is always a bonus in my eyes!

I loved wearing this combo and felt that the red glitter certainly added a festive flare to my nails. This duo set does come in other colours but, unfortunately, H&M do not sell them online. I would highly recommend checking them out in store though, as they're fab little varnishes!

What's on your nails this week? I hope you all had a lovely Christmas and are looking forward to New Year!

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  1. I love red nail varnishes, these look so good, love the glitter one xx

    Lucy |

    1. Thank you, I love red nails too and these are certainly good ones :) x

  2. I'd never think to buy nail polishes from H&M but they look really good! I love the glitter one! :)

    Becki |

    1. Neither had I but I saw them when on the way to the counter and couldn't resist trying them! They were well worth the purchase :) xx

  3. I love me some red nails! I enjoyed this post a lot and look forward to more from your blog in 2015! Happy New Years!!

    Juliana Grace |

    1. Me too Juliana ;)
      Thank you so much, Happy New Year to you too :)

  4. They look lovely! Happy New Year! xx

    1. Thanks Elizabeth, hope you had a wonderful New Year :) xx

  5. Thank you Jade, lovely to see. Your blog is lovely, I now even follow you on Bloglovin :)
    Happy New Year!!

  6. hi! i just found your blog through some of essie buttons comments and what ive seen so far i really really like! would you mind taking a look at my blog? if you like it would mean a lot if you could follow me on bloglovin'!

    lots of love

    Catherine xx

    1. Thank you for taking the time to stop by and leave a comment, that means a lot to me :)
      Have just taken a look at your blog and it's lovely, I've started following you on Bloglovin so I can keep up to date with your new posts :)
      Thanks again Catherine, Happy New Year! xx


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