Blogmas #11: Mulled Wine Recipe

Friday, December 12, 2014

One of my favourite festive tipples has got to be Mulled Wine. I have fond memories of this tasty drink going back to when I used to help my Mum make it for our Bonfire Night parties on our free-range chicken nursery - obviously I wasn't drinking it as a kid but the smell was something to cherish. Those memories have been carried with me in to adulthood and now Mulled Wine screams winter, Christmas and all things associated.

As the years have gone on, my Mum and I have now found the perfect 'at home' recipe and here it is! It's so easy and quick to do, especially for these cold winter days.

Red wine
1 tsp Mixed Spice
1 tsp Sweetener
1/2 Apple
1/2 Orange
1 Clementine

You will also need a chopping board, knife and slow cooker.

How To
The 'how to' is incredibly easy; all you need to do is chop up the fruit in to chunks and put the pieces in to the slow cooker. Then add all of your other ingredients - we put half wine, half water and add more sweetener/mixed spice if we feel necessary - turn on to low and leave to cook for 6-8 hours.

Serve up in a glass for a fancy look or a mug for a cosy night in and then all there's left to do is enjoy.

Simple, massively tasty and minimum work required; what more could you want for a winter warmer!

Do you have a Mulled Wine or any winter warmer recipes?

14 days to go...!

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  1. Love this cup so much!! And also the recipe looks lovely, will have to give it a try i love mulled wine!xo

    Jessica Ann ♥

    1. It's ace isn't it! Let me know how you get on if you do give it a go, it's lovely to have in the winter :)


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Amy Tinson