Contact & Disclaimer

Want to have a chat or have any questions? 

You can get hold of me using one of the social media buttons on the right hand side; I'd love to hear from you! 

I am also open to trying out and reviewing PR products, so if you would like to collaborate, please email me at 
N.B. I will state clearly on a post if I have been sponsored and my reviews will always be open and honest.

All content and images on this site have been created by myself (Amy Tinson), unless stated otherwise. 

Please do not use content or images without asking permission (email:

Products that are reviewed on Amy Tinson are either bought by myself or sent to me. If they have been sent, it will clearly state so on the post itself.

Please note, some links on the blog are affiliate links, which means I may get a small reward if items are sold by clicking on it.

Amy Tinson