Blogmas #6: Night-time Skincare Routine

Saturday, December 06, 2014

As much as I enjoy wearing makeup and what not, the process of taking it off in the evening is one I truly cherish. There's something incredibly joyful and comforting about removing your 'face' after a busy day, just before getting in to your PJs and heading to bed. With that said, here's my nightly routine.

First, I remove all the left over makeup, built up dirt and anything else unwanted from my face. I do this using some B. Pure Micellar Water on a small cotton wool pad. It does a great job of cleaning and refreshing my face (so much so that it even featured in my first ever 'Favourites' post!).

The next step is to take off my eye makeup using Simple Gentle Eye Makeup Remover, again on a cotton wool pad (a.k.a. skincare routine saviours). I can get sensitive eyes and this is so good for them, awfully gentle with no perfumes or alcohols. It does a great job at removing even stubborn waterproof mascara.

I  then use Simple Soothing Toner all over my face, again using an ever-trusty cotton wool pad! This is brilliant at removing any remaining product on my face and tightening everything up. My face feels fresh and clean after these few steps.

After that, I move on to the creams and start off with any eye cream that I have at the time. At the moment, I have been using Benefit It's Potent! Eye Cream, which is simply lovely. I have noticed a definite brightness and firmer skin around the eye area since using it and even noticed my under-eye baggies fading - bonus!

Next, I use my acne-fighting cream, Epiduo Gel. After having horrible skin since I was 12 - over 10 years, not nice! - I finally had enough and went to my GP a couple of years ago and have been prescribed various things to try rid the spot-beast. I always found that over-the-counter products didn't even touch the blemishes but this gel is finally doing something! I can finally see my face is becoming clearer and any spots that do appear, are healing much quicker. I really can't tell you enough how good it feels to finally have clearer skin, especially after battling over my insecurities and self confidence issues over it for so long. I apply a small amount across my face, chest and shoulders each night and let it work it's magic.

As the aforementioned product dries out the skin, I use Neal Yard Geranium and Organe Hand Cream to put moisture back in to my hands. This came attached to a copy of In Style back in summer (see relating post here) and the more I have used it, the more I've fallen in love with it. The small bottle has gone a long way as only a small amount is needed to feel the skin is sufficiently hydrated. I adore the sweet smell that seems to last aggges - what's even more impressive is that my Mum guessed one of the scents was geranium!

Finally, I end it on the lips. I'll either do one or two steps and for the purpose of this post, I'll describe both. If my lips are particularly dry or chapped, I'll give them a bit of a scrub using Lush Mint Julips Lip Scrub. This is fantastic at getting rid of the dry skin, as well as, making them feel perky; it tastes yummy too! I end the whole process by slapping on some Nuxe Rêve de Miel Lip Balm, which works overnight to help moisturise my lips, leaving them soft and supple in the morning. I like the smell and texture of this balm and the fact that some will remain on the lips by the time the morning comes.

Then that's it! Seems like a lot but it takes me between 5-10mins and that time helps me wind down from the day. Then it's lights off and I'm snuggling down in my duvet, ready to drift off to the land of nod.

What's your night-time skincare routine?

19 days to go...!

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  1. I absolutely love the Lush lip scrubs! I have Bubblegum and Popcorn and really want to try Mint Julips. Great post xx

    1. Me too Julie! Haven't tried any other flavours though, are those two quite sweet? :) xx

  2. I hate the process of taking my make-up off! Its such hassle. I love the Simple toner, I've been using it for years.

    Katie xx


    1. Haha it can be, I'll give you that! ;) Simple is such a good range for affordable skincare :) xx

  3. I love removing my make-up too - nothing nicer than that clean skin feeling!

  4. I need to try out that epiduo gel - I've been getting horrible breakouts since I was 14 (6 years), and just nothing seems to work, so I know how you feel. Hopefully it will work for me as well as it has done for you!

    The Velvet Black // UK Style & Beauty Blog

    1. It really does work wonders, though be warned it does dry the skin out quite a lot (especially in the first week). Let me know if you end up trying it?

  5. I was thinking of getting the B. cleanser but want sure if it would be good, is it worth it?

    1. I find it's good, though I've heard mixed reviews. I believe the Garnier one is better; I'll be trying it next and will review it so keep a look out for that as it may answer your question better! :)


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Amy Tinson