Blogmas #20: DKNY 'Red Delicious' Fragrance Review

Saturday, December 20, 2014

Following on from my 'Signature Scent' post back on 'Blogmas' Day 10 (why does that feel like it was month's ago?!), I have a new addition to my fragrance favourites.

I saw DKNY's 'Red Delicious' on offer about a month ago and as I owned and liked both 'Be Delicious' and 'Be Delicious Fresh Blossom' previously, I was intrigued to give this one a go too. 

First off, the bottle is gorgeous, isn't it?! Glam, sleek and eye-catching; definitely a dresser-top occupant.

Next up, the smell and it literally is delicious. With notes of fresh apple, raspberry, rose and vanilla, this scent is fruity and sweet, with a touch of wonderful elegance. It's definitely a wearable scent that could be used daily or kept for special occasions.

Another thing is that, it is really long-lasting and I'm talking hours here. I'll spray it in the morning and be catching the smell still in the evening which is impressive. I also noticed that as the day wore on, the different notes became more apparent so made it feel like a fresh fragrance time and time again - another bonus! 

Some people may think it's a bit pricey with an RRP of £48 but in my opinion, it's totally worth it and it's certainly a lush addition to my ever-growing perfume collection.

Behind the scenes and I had a little helper with my photo-taking...well, he wanted just wanted to play with the baubles but still!

Have you tried DKNY 'Red Delicious'? Do you have any fragrance favourites that you'd suggest? 

5 days to go...!

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  1. My brother gave me a bottle of this for Christmas a few years ago & I loved it!

    Your cat is so cute! xx

    1. It's amazing isn't it! Haha thanks, he's a bit of a rascal sometimes but love him all the same :) xx

  2. This fragrance sounds like it would be right up my street and the packaging is so cute x

    Beauty with charm

    1. It's lovely isn't it! Let me know what you think if you give it a try :) x

  3. Looks and sounds delicious! Merry Christmas Amy :)

    Camille xo

    1. It is Camille :) Thanks, I hope you had a lovely one :) xx


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Amy Tinson