Blogmas #5: November Favourites

Friday, December 05, 2014

It's time for the monthly favourites post and November had some very wintery-themed items; all non-beauty I might add (safe to say I was shocked too!).

My first fave of the month comes in the form of a drink and was brought to my attention by Alix: Twinings Salted Caramel Green Tea. What can I say about this amazing tea? Well for starters, it's got to be the tastiest green tea I've ever had. I don't know about you but when I drink normal green tea, I find it has a strong and bitter taste that can sometimes be difficult to swallow; with this flavoured one there's none of that. In fact, you barely notice that weird flavour, instead your taste buds pick up the sweet and yummy taste of the salted caramel. It's delish! That also makes me feel like I'm being extra good when drinking it as I know it's already healthy for the body. It's a win win situation.

Next up is my (semi) new scarf from River Island. If you follow me on Instagram, you'll know that a few weeks back I posted a photo of the recent addition. entitled "Scarf season :)". I know I love a lot of things, but I seriously love scarves and as soon as the temperature starts to drop, out they come and around my neck they go. This new one is simply lovely, so soft and big, as well as, having a nice, simple design that goes well with most outfits. It's been making appearances all month and that's not likely to change anytime soon!

Another clothing item that I've been enjoying are my cute fingerless gloves that I picked up from Tesco last year. I get stupidly cold during the winter so whenever I venture outside, I have to wrap up big style - I think sometimes I end up resembling the Marshmallow Man. There then comes the problem of gloves vs. camera. Whenever I wear gloves, taking photos is a lot harder and thus I soon get fed up and off they come in a huff. However, with fingerless gloves I don't have that problem and I can snap away to my heart's content, without getting ice blocks instead of hands. Obviously, the tips of my fingers do tend to get a little chilly, but I just stuff 'em in my pockets to warm them up.

This month I have found myself completely and utterly hooked - excuse the pun, those who have seen it will understand I'm sure - on 'Once Upon A Time'. I watched season 2 in a matter of days and have just finished season 3 - thank you again, Netflix. It's fantastic! Albeit, it can be mega cheesy at times, it's also really dark and I adore how the writers have tied in fairy tales and other well-known stories together, very clever.

Finally, I couldn't do a 'Blogmas'/November Favourites/winter post without mentioning my favourite jumper that seems to be on me more than off during the colder months. I got the jumper last year from South and it's wonderful. I ordered it slightly oversized so that it'd be nice and baggy and it is just so comfortable. The only downside is that it has a knitted sort of pattern and therefore has little holes all over. This just means that if I'm going out in to the cold air, I try to either make sure I have a couple of layers underneath or wear a coat over the top. But for being comfy and cosy indoors, it does the best job.

What were your November favourites?

20 days to go...!

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  1. I try to drink lots of green tea but the taste really does make it a chore so I'm very excited to get some of this salted caramel variety. Great picks, I love the scarf! xx

    Viva Epernay | Benefit Giveaway

    1. Thanks for your lovely comment Sarah :) This flavour green tea is much easier to drink, you'll have to let me know how you get on with it! :)
      A xx

  2. I've gotten so hooked on 'Once Upon a Time' lately. I find it's perfect for the holidays even though its not really festive because of all the magic. Nice picks and great post :)

    1. It's amazing isn't it! I'm now a season behind to the US though and it's killing me, I want to know what happens! Definitely great for the holiday's :) Thanks Emily x


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Amy Tinson