The Last Blogmas 2014 Post: Merry Christmas!

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

That's it! It's Christmas Eve meaning 'Blogmas' is coming to an end and despite missing one day - I really have come down with the most dreadful cold/flu thing over the past week so trying to create and write a post for yesterday was pretty much impossible! - I am proud that I managed to do so many consecutive days and I have loved every minute of it! As long as Amy's Corner stays running - which I hope it does! - then I will definitely be doing it again at the end of 2015 and who knows, maybe I'll even give Vlogmas a go!

As it's the last 'Blogmas' post for 2014, I didn't want to do write about anything specific today. Instead, I just wanted to wish all you wonderful readers a very merry Christmas and I hope it's full of yummy food, delicious drinks, presents galore and lots of laughter, love and fun.

I'll be back on Sunday with a 'Nails of the Week: Christmas Day Edition' post, followed by my 'Capture December Photo Challenge' next Thursday, so I hope to see you then :)

Have a good 'un lovelies! 

A xx
Only 1 more day to go...! 

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Amy Tinson