Blogmas #10: Signature Scent

Friday, December 12, 2014

We all have that one perfume/fragrance/spray that is the daily go-to scent that simply suits you and when a family member, friend or colleague catches a whiff, they instantly think of you. This also means you usually end up getting a bottle or two at Christmas or on birthdays, much to your delight. For me, this special scent is Paul Smith 'Extreme for Women'.

I was given this a couple of years ago as a present from my best friend - thank you Nikki! - and have had it in constant supply since. I'd say it has quite a spicy and not too sweet smell and it's far from overpowering; the perfect fragrance for moi.

The bottle isn't too fancy but still looks nice on the dresser top, being square and having one strip of Paul Smith's notorious multi-coloured stripes down the side. It tends to last very well too; I'll spritz away in the morning and will still be smelling it in the afternoon so it lasts a good few hour which is pretty impressive!

The other bonus to this perfume is that the price tag is incredibly reasonable. I find that fragrances can be so expensive and even though they're lovely and worth it, it's just not in my budget to be forking out for such expensive treats and if I do, I tend to find other and better things to spend my money on. Don't get me wrong, if there's a good sale on a high-end perfume then I can sometimes justify making my purse lighter but that doesn't happen too often. At roughly £20 for 100ml off Amazon for this one, you can't go wrong!

All in all, this is a great offering from Paul Smith and one I'll probably be wearing for a long time! 

What's your signature scent? Any suggestions for me? On a side note, I really want to try Marc Jacob's Daisy, have any of you tried it?

15 days to go...!

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  1. I must smell this next time I spot it! My signature scent is Cerruti 1881 - I have worn it for years & always have a bottle on the go!

    1. I love the smell of that one! It's really nice! :)


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Amy Tinson