Blogmas #1: The Christmas Tag

Monday, December 01, 2014

After eventually finding out what 'Blogmas' is (blogging every day until the 25th), I have decided to give it a go! And what better way to kick it off than to do the Christmas Tag.

I first saw this tag on Fee's blog back in November and instantly opened a page for a new post and started typing away. Beautylymin also tagged me (thanks lovely!) so I knew it was meant to be!

Christmas has got to be my favourite time of year, so this was one of the nicest (and easiest!) posts to write. Though be prepared for plenty of festive fun photos in the mix too! Now on to the questions.

1. What is your favourite Christmas movie(s)?
First off, 'Love Actually'. It's Christmassy, soppy, funny and heart-warming all rolled in to one. Plus I love it when films have lots of famous people collaborating together! 'The Holiday' is another festive chick flick that I adore watching in the winter. Another Chrimbo fave has got to be 'The Muppet Christmas Carol'. Their take on the Dicken's classic is brilliant,  making the dark story easy and fun to watch. Though, I feel I should point out it's still rather frightening and the ghost from Christmas Future gave me nightmares as a kid! 

2. Do you open your present on Christmas Eve or Christmas Morning?
When I was younger, I used to open up my stocking in the morning, then presents throughout the day to make them last. But now I'm older and don't get a stocking anymore - sob - my family and I tend to just open up our prezzies throughout the day.

My cat, Bobz, joining in on the unwrapping fun!

3. Do you have a favourite Christmas memory?
I have too many to list (like I said, it is probably my favourite time of year!). So instead of writing an answer, I'm going to share a few of my favourite Christmassy photos below!

Evie and I at our work's Christmas party last year.

Willow having fun with strips of gold foil.

My Aunt's present, Sox, tuckered out on Christmas Day.

Family photo last year. 

Bert (our old cat) as a kitten playing with the stuff out of a popper. 

Mum, Mel and I back in 2010!

4. Favourite festive food?
I'll say it now that I hate mince pies. I know! I know! I should like them, but I don't...yuk! So they're out. I'd say my favourite festive food would have to be Christmas Pudding with Brandy mm mmmmmm! 

5. Favourite Christmas gift?
I really can't think of the answer to this one, I've had so many wonderful gifts over the years. One that stuck out especially was when I received my first fish tank (a Biorb), it was ah-may-zing. 

6. Favourite Christmas scent? 
Some sort of cinnamon and winter spice concoction. 

7. Do you have any Christmas Eve traditions? 
When I was younger, I'd obviously put out a mince pie and a glass sherry for Santa - not forgetting the carrots for the reindeer too - but now, I don't really have any 'traditions' per say. My mum and I will always have some kind of festive cocktail but other than that, nothing really. Some of my friends and I do try to have a Christmas night out every year too, which entails dressing up nice, lots of drinking, an abundance of laughter and dancing until our feet are sore - such fun!

Me and some of my girlfriends ready for one of our annual Christmas Eve Eve night out in 2012!

Dan and Kerren having a dance!

One of my best friends, Caz, and I enjoying the 'snow' at the club in 2011.

We're such classy birds! ;)

8. What tops your tree? 
We have a sparkly snowflake! We're not a religious family so it suits us best.

9. As a kid, what was the one (crazy, wild, extravagant) gift you always asked for but never received? 
You know what? I haven't a clue. We didn't have a lot of money growing up so I never expected for much. And I know my mum always did her best to get something my brother and I wanted, and for that I am forever grateful as I know now that it couldn't have been easy. So yeah, I don't think there was anything really, not that I can remember anyway! 

10. What's the best part about Christmas for you?
Spending time with my family and friends mainly, especially just before and just after Christmas Day. I also love the festive cheer that the holiday's bring. Ooh and snow!! How could I almost forget snow?! When it snows near Christmas, life is just awesome! Here are some photos from our last snow day in 2012, when me and some of my friends went sledging; good times!

I'm not actually going to tag anyone to do this but I want all you lovely readers to have a go! I've put the questions below so all you need to do is copy and paste, just to make it nice and easy for you!

1. What is your favourite Christmas movie(s)?
2. Do you open your present on Christmas Eve or Christmas Morning?
3. Do you have a favourite Christmas memory?
4. Favourite festive food?
5. Favourite Christmas gift?
6. Favourite Christmas scent? 
7. Do you have any Christmas Eve traditions? 
8. What tops your tree? 
9. As a kid, what was the one (crazy, wild, extravagant) gift you always asked for but never received? 
10. What's the best part about Christmas for you?

Have a wonderful December and hope you get in to the festive spirit nicely :) My second 'Blogmas' post will be up tomorrow evening, so watch out for that! I'll be doing a mixture of festive and winter-focused posts for 'Blogmas', though let me know if you have any ideas or anything you'd like to see!

24 days to go...!

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  1. Wow! This is going to be a busy month for your blog! I'm looking forward to seeing what you'll write about. It's my favorite time of year too. Looks like you have lots of great memories of Christmases past. Thanks for sharing! x

    1. It is! I've never felt so prepared with the amount of lists, calendar entries and draft posts before ;) Glad to hear I'm not the only one! And yeah, for me, photos show better than I could have written :) Thanks for commenting Myra :) xx

  2. Great photos Amy. I enjoyed reading this post. xx

  3. Replies
    1. Pleased to hear that!! Thanks again for tagging me :) xx

  4. I really enjoyed reading this post and as well as doing this post! Here is my link!

    1. Loved reading your post Tania, it was really fun and heart-warming! Thank you for doing it! Have a wonderful Christmas :) xx


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I enjoy reading each and every one of them!

Amy Tinson