Blogmas #12: Things I Love About Christmas

Saturday, December 13, 2014

We're half way through 'Blogmas' now and I've been loving it (I hope you have too!). I thought I'd do a slightly different post today and share some things that I loved about Christmas when I was younger - I definitely went to a little place called Nostalgia Lane whilst writing those - and some things I love about Christmas now.

Past Christmas Loves
  1. Circling the things I wanted in the Argos catalogue or writing down all of their serial numbers ready to pass around my family - I'd spend hours doing this, my list had to be just right, obviously!
  2. Leaving out a glass of sherry and a mince pie for Santa and carrots for his reindeer and finding them gone/half eaten the next day.
  3. Chocolate advent calendars, coins, mini mix bag things that came shaped like a stocking...need I say more?
  4. The family friendly Christmas films on TV.
  5. Going out and buying a fresh tree...dat smell of fresh Christmas tree, mmm.
  6. Not being able to sleep because I was wanting to catch a glimpse of Santa; which leads me on to my next point...
  7. Opening up a stocking full of prezzies from ol' Sandy Claws himself in my Mum's bed - plus points if you noticed 'The Nightmare Before Christmas' reference!
  8. Our Boxing Day banquet; which was basically what other's have on Christmas Day but we never liked to waste time cooking that day.
  10. Going to the Panto with my Gran, Grampy, brother and cousins - oh no, I didn't! 
  11. The Coca-Cola Advert - Holidays are coming! Holidays are coming! - Christmas officially began when I heard or saw that advert.
  12. Breaking up for Chrimbo Holidays and that last week at school where we did nothing but watch films, do all kinds of sparkly crafts and ate lots of party food. The annual Christmas Disco also comes under this, where tinsel was used as a bracelet and/or hair tie by all us gals - so. much. tinsel. Good times!
Present Christmas Loves
  1. Mulled Wine and now, Mulled Cider with a shot of spiced rum.
  2. Writing out Christmas lists (though this also applies to the past as I always love writing lists, they're somewhat of a speciality of mine).
  3. Costa and Starsbucks' festive drinks offerings; yummy!
  4. All of the festive films on TV.
  5. Decorating the tree with my Mum whilst singing - loudly - to festive songs.
  6. The annual family "get together".
  7. Going to Christmas Markets to get completely in to the Christmassy mood.
  8. Online shopping; it's a great way at avoiding the hustle and bustle of busy shopping, going Xmas shopping is something I can't stand!
  10. The annual Chrimbo night out that my friends and I partake in.
  11. Reading Christmas themed books - nothing gets me in the festive spirit quite like curling up on a cold winter's evening in PJs and with a hot choc whilst reading a Christmassy story.
  12. Pizza Express Cinnamon Dough Balls - bea-loody-utiful!!
I really am awfully excited for Christmas, are you?

What are you past and present favourite things about Christmas?

13 days to go...!

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  1. I love this post! Especially the things you loved when you were younger - literally sums it all up! I'm so intrigued by the fact you have xmas dinner on boxing day, its unusual but makes so much sense!! then everyone can enjoy the day for what it is 😊 Merry Christmas!!! xxx

    1. Aw thanks, your comment made me smile! Yeah, it's not the "usual" but it works for our family :) Merry Christmas to you too Hannah!! :) xx

  2. I loved reading this, it was so jolly!! The Argos catalogue raid was no lie, I used to do this too! Hahaha >.<

    Alice x

    1. Thank you Alice, I'm so pleased to hear that! Haha! I'm glad I wasn't the only one ;) xx

  3. Everyone did the Argos list!!
    We still have 'Christmas dinner' on Boxing Day! You know what we have on Christmas day! ;)
    Was that last one in bed at grans house?
    I absolutely cannot wait to find out what you think of the present I've got you!!!!!!!!! :D :D :D

    1. Haha glad I'm not the only one!
      Yes, your food on Christmas Day always looks lush!
      No, I think it was in bed at our house in Malvern? Joe would know more so though :)
      Hehe can't wait ;) x


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I enjoy reading each and every one of them!

Amy Tinson