Spring Nails

Sunday, February 15, 2015

What's that I hear you say? The sun has been starting to make more appearances and the temperature has been staying in the plus figures? Why, yes it has! This, coupled with the fact that the nights are starting to draw out, can only mean one thing...

Spring is on the way. Finally!

This also means that it's acceptable for the lighter, pastel-coloured nail varnishes to come out and when I popped in to town recently, the beauty counters were full to the brim with them! 

Barry M was the first brand I hit, after seeing their new Speedy Quick Dry range doing the rounds of bloggersphere. There are nine new shades in total, however, I only purchased four - aren't I good! I picked up 'Lap of Honour' (a soft lilac), 'Full Throttle' (a pastel orange), 'Road Rage' (a mint green) and 'In A Heart Beat' (a pastel coral/pink). Quick note: aren't those just the coolest names, love it! I've heard some great things about this new set and I'm so happy to see they now have flat brushes. It's certainly safe to say my hopes are pretty high at this point!

I then decided to make a stop at the Essie counter to see if I could finally get my hands on 'Mint Candy Apple' and I am pleased to report, it was in stock and went straight in to my basket. I then spotted a gorgeous pink, named 'Bump Up The Pumps', that also had to be mine. The final Essie polish that is new to my collection wasn't actually bought in store but online instead, after the Winter 2014 mini-collection was half price on Amazon. The deep pink, 'Double Breasted Jacket' seemed to be the perfect transition colour between spring and summer, hence the inclusion here. I confess that I do not own too many Essie polishes but the couple I do have, I adore and I'm sure these will not disappoint either!

You'll be seeing more detailed reviews going up every Sunday over the next couple of months as part of my 'Nails of the Week'; I can't wait to try them all out. 

The only question left is that it's nail change day today, but which to go for first?! Decisions, decisions. 

What are your top picks for nails this spring? Let me know in the comments below!

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  1. The colours are super pretty and gotta love Barry M nail polishes:)


    1. Aren't they just! I know, they're some of my favourites :)

  2. Such gorgeous shades! I'm so excited for the warmer weather!
    Carrie xx

  3. You picked some gorgeous shades. I really need to get my hands on some of the new Barry M polishes, those shades look beautiful.

    Beka. xo

    1. Thanks Beka, the new Barry M one's are stunning! :) Let me know if you pick any up! xx

  4. Must keep an eye out for the new Barry M polishes! Great colours! xx

    1. They are so gorgeous, especially for Spring! Let me know if you get your hands on any :) xx

  5. Wow, such beautiful colours! Love the orangey one!


    1. Me too! Can't wait for the sun to come out properly so I can wear that one :) x

  6. Love those Barry M colors! I need to buy them ^^

    Z ♥

    1. They're beautiful aren't they! Let me know if you do! :) x

  7. Mint Candy Apple is my absolute favorite spring and summer nail shade! xx

    She Likes to Shop

    1. I can't wait to try that one out, I've always read so much about it! :D xx

  8. I love those colours!!! Can I just have them all? My favourite is probably "full throttle" but I doubt my school would let me get away with it xx
    Another Teen On The Web

    1. Haha yes girl! Do it!! :D Ahh shame, but it could also be a summer shade so just wear it in the holidays ;) xx

  9. perfect for spring, love the purple!

    xx danielle // shades of danielle // bloglovin

    1. Glad you think so too! Yes, beautiful isn't it :) xx

  10. Absolutely have to get essie's mint candy apple for spring and summer! love that color so much!

  11. The colors are pretty, especially deep pink and orange. Great picks, Amy.

    1. Thanks Nina, I can't wait to try them all out. Now we just need some more sun ;) Hope you're well! Xx

  12. I love Bump Up the Pumps and In a Heartbeat! I have a little obsession with pink nails at the moment (I'm blaming Valentine's Day!) :)
    I don't know how you're going to decide one to use first! :)

    Becki | www.beautyandthebrunette.co.uk

    1. Gorgeous aren't they! Haha ditto and it's definitely OK to blame Valentine's Day! ;) It took a long time but I finally settled one, check back on Sunday to see which :D xx

  13. Wow, thank you Diana, that's really lovely to hear! :) Your blog is just as lovely and I now follow you on Bloglovin so I can see your updates :) Thanks again for the lovely comment! x

  14. These colours are so lovely! I cannot wait for spring, let us know if the quick drys are worth investing in :) xx

  15. Barry M do the best nail polishes, have to check out these new ones. The colors are fab!


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Amy Tinson