Blogmas Bonus: Capture December Photo-A-Day Challenge

Saturday, January 03, 2015

1. Your view today - Bobz & fairy lights, 2. Favourite holiday movie - 'The Holiday' & 'Love Actually', 3. Red - Diptyque Épice Candle4. Joyous - Happy to have one of Costa's Blackforest Hot Chocolates, 5. Today's temperature - Icy, 6. Shopping - Birmingham Frankfurt Christmas Market7. Bright - Sunny day in Worcester, 8. Ornament(s) - Snowman at work, 9. Something you're reading - 'Cold Feet at Christmas' by Debbie Johnson10. Wrapping paper, 11. Green - Lunch at Pizza Express12. A beautiful sight - Willow decorating the mini-tree, 13. Family - "Friends are the family you choose", 14. Christmas tree15. Favourite holiday song - 'Fairytale of New York' by The Pogues16. Outside Christmas lights - Lights on the tree at The Robin Hood17. Presents, 18. Stockings - Throwback to when my brother and I used to open our stockings in my Mum's bed19. Candy cane, 20. Tree topper - Our snowflake, 21. Peace - Lovely meal at The Angel Hotel22. Tradition - Girls day out with my Mum, 23. Scarf, 24. Favourite part of Christmas Eve - This year, it was dinner at The Fleece Inn25. Morning - Christmas morning breakfast, 26. Grateful - Loved all of my presents, 27. Night time - Willow playing with Bobz, 28. Words - Awesome Christmas card: "Down With Sprouts!", 29. Sky view - Sunset at Coombe Hill Canal30. Your Winter Wonderland - Throwback to a snowy Christmas in 2010, 31. Fun - New Year's Eve group shot

I know 'Blogmas' is technically meant to end on Christmas Eve, but when I saw the 'Capture December Photo-A-Day Challenge' I simply knew I had to give it a go. I mean, you guys should know me by Fun little challenge? Christmas related? It's like it was made with me in mind! 

For those who follow me on Instagram, I'm sure you may have seen some of these popping up in your feed but some I've been keeping just for this post. 

I hope you enjoyed this little insight in to my wonderful December and that you also had a fantastic month.

Happy New Year lovelies! 

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Amy Tinson