Blogmas #17: My Little Box December Box Review & First Impressions

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

As promised in my last Love Me Beauty Box Review, I am welcoming a new beauty box to Amy's Corner this month.

Everyone, say hello to My Little Box!

I have been terribly excited to receive this new box after deciding to cancel my subscription with Love Me Beauty (you can read more on that here) so I could have hugged the postman when he delivered it.

A few bits before I show you what was inside the box, signing up was very easy. I went on to the website, could choose from a rolling monthly, a six month or a twelve month subscription. I opted for the monthly to give the company a good test run before settling for a longer commitment. When I signed up at the end of November, I knew that December's box would be the first one to arrive. Delivery was swift and the outer packaging was nice and simple.

Now, this is the point where I don't even know where to begin. There is too much to talk about with this box and everything, right down to the littlest detail, is just perfect. This first box has even rivaled my precious Birchboxes, which you all know I absolutely adore. So, where shall I start? I guess the logical place would be the box itself...

Opening up the cardboard packing revealed an adorable white box which then reveals the theme; this month 'My Little Box' teamed up with the beautiful Fleur, from 'Fleur De Force'. Having been a fan of Fleur's since I started reading beauty blogs and watching YouTube videos, I couldn't help but feel pride for her and couldn't wait to the see the contents. I also thought the 'Christmas Cheer...' sticker was a funky addition.

When opening the sturdy box - I find boxes like this are great for housing my expanding nail varnish collection and am always grateful to receive more - I found all the contents wrapped in cute ribbon and everything looked pristine. The presentation of a beauty box is key for me and this one simply 'wowed'.

After undoing the bow, I pulled out a sweet card, a small magazine called 'My Little World' and an information leaflet on how to give a subscription as a gift. First off, the illustrations are simply adorable and suit the company and persona they are trying to give off. One up to 'My Little Box'! Next, I actually enjoyed reading the magazine! The photos are beautiful, the interviews are lovely, the beauty tips are highly welcomed and there are even a couple of recipes and DIY projects in there too; it's the best beauty box magazine around and definitely one I'll be going back to.

After removing the information sheets, I found a gift box housing the first item; a knitted headband. To be honest, I'm not a hat/earmuffs/handband kinda gal, but this is totally gorgeous and after trying it on, I could see myself wearing it out on a chilly day. It's black with fine gold glitter pieces running through it and a cute twisted front and it's so warm and is utterly delectable! Things were off to a great start.

Next out of the box came some beautiful gift tags. I simply adore the design of these; simple and elegant and I'm definitely going to be using these, if not this year then it'll be next. Simply gorgeous!

Then I pulled out a packet named 'Masking Tape' and inside, I found lots of small sheets of patterned tape. The tape on these sheets has been pre-cut to different shapes, meaning that they can be used for a number of things and the patterns do not limit you to using them just a Christmas so it can be used all-year round. These, again, were awfully cute and such nice additions to a box I could feel myself falling for with every new thing that was coming out of it.

With these few items out of the way, I found a lovely string-draw cloth bag that housed the more beauty-based items. The sweet bag is adorable and with the slogan on the front, I just have to find use for this somehow - I'm thinking perhaps a toiletry bag? Opening this up revealed two information cards and four items. The cards had info on the beauty products which was good to see as I always find those handy.

First out of the bag was not a beauty item but a brilliant find all the same and that was some black and white parcel twine. For me, parcel twine makes a gift look classy and festive and although I've wrapped most presents for this year, it'll definitely be used next Christmas. Another great and useful item found.

Next up was the first of the beauty items and that was My Little Beauty's Rouge À Lèvres in 'Red Lip Stars'. I'd just like to mention that the fact the box housed an own-brand item was nice to see, as it shows what else the company can offer and boy, is this a goodie. The bright red colour is stunning and the formula is mega moisturising, but that doesn't affect the pigmentation in the slightest. It lasts for quite a while too before having to be topped up. The packaging is also ace! It's a fabulous lipstick that will certainly be taking proud place in my collection.

After that, out came Cowshed Wild Cow Invigorating Body Lotion. Cowshed is a brand I've heard many good things about and had been wanting to try for a while, therefore, seeing this product made me very happy - I may have let out a squeal! This stuff smells divine with it's lemongrass, ginger and rosemary notes but it's far from overpowering so I don't feel put off wearing it in the day. It's highly moisturising with only a small amount needed to cover a large area and it sinks in to the skin nicely. After using this, my skin feels ultra soft and hydrated, both feelings of which seem to last for ages too! I would 100% repurchase when the sample runs out - not that that'll be happening any time soon though given the decent size of it!

Last but certainly not least, L'Occtaine's Crème Précieuse Immortelle was in the bag. L'Occtaine products are something I have been wanting to get my hands on for some time so having this sample ensued another squealing moment. This cream claims to help your skin appear younger, feel firmer and be smoother "like never seen before" and you know what? It does exactly that. After incorporating this in to my morning routine and applying a little on my face for a few days now, my skin felt deliciously smoother, tighter and I would go as far as saying it has made it look more youthful. It's wondrous stuff and as I only use a small amount, this 15ml sample is going to last me ages too. It also has a non-offensive scent of something that I can't place but it's fresh and welcoming in the morning.

All of the items received are ones that will get plenty of use and that's something that is quite rare from a beauty box. Granted, Birchbox are pretty good at this but there's something about this first edition of 'My Little Box' that has meant I've completely and utterly fallen for them. The fact that there is a healthy balance of lifestyle and beauty items is very welcomed as it makes the box feel that bit more special. The beauty items received are also on the high-end scale of things which is another bonus, as I feel like I am getting my value for money, especially when coupled with the abundance of lifestyle items.

Products = Amazing.
Presentation = Beautiful.
Collaboration = Lovely.
Information = Awesomely useful.
Delivery time = Impressively quick.
Overall first impressions = In. Love.

Ok, I think I've gushed enough now but it really is an incredible box and I am massively impressed.

To find out more or to subscribe, click here.

What did you think to My Little Box's December box? Do you subscribe to any beauty boxes? 

8 days to go...!

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  1. This is such a cute beauty box! I hadn't heard of this one until reading this post *adds to new years resolutions list* xx

    1. It really is a cute box, I can't wait to see what January's will bring! Let me know how you get on if you subscribe :) xx


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Amy Tinson