(First Ever!) Space NK Haul

Sunday, November 30, 2014

After a trip to London fell through last weekend, I decided to continue with the plan to visit Space NK and to finally purchase some items that had been on my "wish list" for a long a very long time. So instead of going to London, I found myself face to face with the store in Cheltenham. I haven't a clue how I hadn't stepped in to this glorious shop before and when I did, I was in awe.

Tip time: One tip I would give anyone who is wanting to branch out in to the higher end brands and shops is to do your research beforehand on what you want and the cost. I had done this - I mean I had been planning the trip for so long so it figures - and it helped massively. I think that if I'd gone under-prepared I would have 1). been intimidated as there are a lot of products to choose from and 2). passed out at the prices. High end brands are brilliant, that's why everyone loves them, but my word, they have a hefty price tag so don't go in thinking it'll be like visiting your local drugstore.

When I walked in to the new beauty heaven, I had two "definite" items on my list and a "maybe". The "definites" were NARS Creamy Concealer and NARS Lip Pencil and the "maybe" was a small Diptyque candle.

I knew what I was looking for and I was a woman on a mission.

I headed for the NARS counter first and low and behold, there stood one of their Christmas drops that I'd been hearing many good things about: the Digital World Lip Pencil Coffret. I have to confess, I was hoping to find this because I was desperate to check it out after knowing how incredibly good value for money it is. Seeing it there I breathed a huge sigh of relief and in to my basket it went. I've not had a chance to try these out yet, other than the initial customary swatching that occurs every time something new enters the beauty stash but there are plans for a future full review in December!

I then found the NARS Radiant Creamy Concealer section and got shade matched to 'Vanilla' by a lovely shop assistant. I've had a week to test it out now and my word, it's a match made in heaven. It gives amazing coverage and hides my blemishes beautifully, as well as, evens out my complexion. It's got to be one of the best things I've purchased this year and it's giving it's value for money with a little going a long way.

After getting the two "definites" straight away, I had a nice little ponder round the shop, browsing all the products and making up a new (and extensive) mental wish list. This was when the Nuxe section caught my eye. I had been wanting to test out the Nuxe Rêve de Miel Lip Balm for a while now but never fully committed to making the sale. I could have squealed with joy when I saw the little box containing the product I'd been dreaming of for months - as I was the only customer in the shop, I managed to keep it cool...somehow! - and despite not being part of my original shopping list, I decided that it was time to own one. This tub has a 20th anniversary yellow lid and despite being quite small, I can tell it's going to last me a long time. It smells like lemon curd which is delish and the formula is thick and creamy, with only a little bit needed to be applied. I have been using it every night and there has been a noticeable improvement on my lips. They're softer, more supple and less chapped; it's a winter life saver!

Not long after I found Diptyque's Winter Candles and following a few sniffs, I decided that the red one, Épice, was my favourite and thus, my final item was bought. It has a wintery/Christmassy scent full of spices and warm aromas so it was the perfect choice for my first Diptyque candle. I also think the red jar is really pretty and looks good on my nightstand. Having burnt it last night, I can now understand all the fuss over these candles! It was lovely! There was a strong scent give off but it wasn't overpowering and after burning for a couple of hours, not much wax had disappeared so it'll definitely last the winter. Another great purchase!

At the end of my browse around the store, the items were cashed up on the till, placed in a gorgeous bag and the lovely lady (whose name I didn't catch, sorry!) threw a couple of samples in which was an added surprise. She gave me a sample of Caudalíe Vinexpert Eye & Lip Serum, two sachets of Eve Lom TLC Cream and a sample of Acqua di Parma Colonia Assoluta. I haven't tested them out yet but I look forward to doing so.

The staff at the Cheltenham store were fantastic, so friendly and helpful and I didn't feel at all intimidated like I was worried I might. I mentioned that it was my first time to Space NK and they gave me some tips on applying the concealer and lip pencils, as well as, having a giggle with me about the till playing up briefly.

I think I did pretty well with my first Space NK haul and look forward to venturing deeper in to higher end brands, products and shades in the future.

What are your favourite items from Space NK? Let me know so I can put them on the shopping list the next time I delve in to the Space NK pool.

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  1. Nice haul! I'm a big fan of the Nars concealer!

    1. It is amazing!! I can't believe it took me so long to get, especially when it comes to covering my (many) blemishes! :)

  2. I love Space NK so easy to spend a lot of money on exciting brands that you don't see everyday in Boots though!

    1. Definitely easy to spend lots of money, but the products are so worth it :)


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Amy Tinson