Mac Lipstick Additions

Friday, December 04, 2015

After falling head over heels for Mac Lipstick in 'Patisserie' last year - so much so it even featured in my '2014 Favourites' and 'Lip Loves of 2014' - I found myself immersed in 2015's New Year sales at Selfridges in the Bullring Shopping Centre, and in particular, the Mac section. 

With some Christmas treat money in my purse, it's no surprise that I found myself eyeing up all of the gorgeous lipsticks. After much deliberation and a lot of swatching, I ended up leaving with that beautiful black paper bag containing 'Ruby Woo' and 'Speak Louder' (as well as two shadows for my Pro Palette Quad).

Swatched: 'Speak Louder' above and 'Ruby Woo' below

To 'Ruby Woo' first and this was an entirely 'Vivianna Does Makeup' enabled purchase - seriously, that woman is an absolute babe! 'Ruby Woo' is an incredibly stunning red that would suit just about anyone. The colour is bold but beautiful and helps to perk up the face. The formula is matte but like with all matte lip products, it's rather drying and feels better over the top of a soft lip balm. It also lasts for quite a long time, however, I find that I have to reapply quite a few times in one evening which is it's one downfall. That being said, it's a fab matte red lipstick and one that makes plenty of appearances!

The second colour, 'Speak Louder', is a gorgeous pink that has some poppy-red and blue undertones and it seems to suit my skin tone perfectly. It's eye-catching and utterly vibrant, perfect for spring and summer. The formula of this one is "cream sheen", which means it's super creamy (obviously) and has a glossier finish on the lips. It's easily wearable and feels so soft once applied and although, it doesn't last quite as long as 'Ruby Woo', it still does it's best and lasts for an impressive few hours. 
Mac Lipsticks are becoming better with every application in my eyes and these two shades are fabulous additions, that'll keep my ever-faithful 'Patisserie' company for sure.

Have you tried these two Mac Lipsticks? Do you have any shades I should try out next? 

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Amy Tinson