
Wednesday, February 03, 2016

I’m going to get a bit personal on the blog today and talk about hair removal – just what everyone wants, right?! I have always shaved my legs but the hair seems to grow back at the speed of light and only a few hours after being silky smooth, my skin starts to feel prickly. After reading posts from Lily Pebbles and The Only Ones, I took a cautionary step in to the world of depilating.

Now, I wouldn’t exactly say I’m a wuss when it comes to pain but after hearing some horror stories of epilating, it’s safe to say that I was nervous. However, with the Braun Silk Épil 9 and its special massager, it was nowhere near as bad as expected and I’m sure my body will get more and more used to it over time. Though a warning: the second leg was hella more painful than the first!

The results of epilating were clear to see, with my skin (after the redness had subsided!) feeling beautifully smooth and soft. The regrowth is taking longer to appear and the hairs are softer; which definitely makes me feel less self-conscious to show my legs!

All in all, I’ve enjoyed my first dip in the epilator pool and will be sure to keep you updated as time goes on – if it’s not TMI that is!

Have you ever tried epilating?

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Amy Tinson