An Ode To Yankee Candles

Sunday, December 06, 2015

I'm a self-confessed candle addict, much to the annoyance of my boyfriend who has to put up with them dotted all over our place. But the scents, the cosy feeling they give off and the comforting look of the flame flickering are impossible to resist!

One candle brand that stands above a lot of the others is Yankee Candle. These candles are affordable, have great scent pay off and come in a variety of luscious flavours.

Winter time is where they excel the most though, with scents including 'Cosy By The Fire' (rustic woody, ginger and cinnamon based), 'Christmas Eve' (warm hearth, sugared plums and candied fruits) and 'Snowflake Cookie' (sweet, home-baked goodies) to name a few.
My lovely man also bought me the Advent House in the Snow Calendar and it's great! I've opened the little windows to reveal 'Snowflake Cookie', 'Candy Cane Lane', 'Spiced Orange' and 'Winter Glow' (our personal fave so far) tea lights and it's nice to have something to open that's different from chocolate - we all have enough of that leading up to Crimbo, don't we! We've also been burning a tea light every night; it's a fab way to count down to Christmas Day and may well be the start of a yearly tradition for us!

What are your thoughts on Yankee Candle? 

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Amy Tinson