Born Pretty Store Extremely Thin Waterproof Eyeliner

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Born Pretty recently approached me about collaborating with them by doing some product reviews. After looking around their website and suggesting a few items I'd be interested in, I was very kindly sent three to try. Please note, although these items have been sent in exchange for a review, the thoughts  and views are completely my own.

I will be doing a separate review on each item, starting with the Extremely Thin Waterproof Eyeliner Pen in Black*. Let me start off by saying that I'm not one of those girls that can apply liquid eyeliner perfectly and thus, I rarely use it - I literally am awful at putting the damn stuff on!! But being in the form of a thin pen, I thought this would be a useful product to test out.

I'm pleased to report that a miraculous thing has happened: I have been able to apply liner much better! I know, shocker, right?! But the thin tip makes applying the product super simple and means I can build up the thickness, instead of having to re-do the lines over and over again!
The formula comes out well in solid black and then stays in place for a mighty long time, plus the packaging is rather sweet too! Considering it is priced at $2.99 (that's around £2.10), it's an absolute steal and one of the best liners I've tried!

Born Pretty's Waterproof Eyeliner Pen is completely wonderful all round and is now my go-to product when doing my eye makeup!
If you would like to try this eyeliner or any other fabulous products from the Born Pretty Store, the team have kindly given an offer code for you lovely readers! All you need to do is enter 'MATH10' at the checkout and you'll receive 10% off the total order; which is pretty great considering the items are so cheap already! They also offer free shipping worldwide!

Do you like the look of this Eyeliner Pen or have you bought anything from the Born Pretty Store before? Let me know down below, would love to hear your thoughts!

*PR item sent by Born Pretty Store

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Amy Tinson