Top 5 Festive Flicks

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Christmas movies can be some of the best in the business and there's nothing quite like settling under a blanket on the sofa to watch a festive favourite. With that said, here are my top five favourites to watch during December.
Two ladies who are having a tough time in their life (in particular, their love life) swap homes for Christmas, where they meet new people and find the happiness they needed. This sweet rom com will make you fall in love with it's characters (apart from Jasper, ain't nobody got time for him!), it's locations and the warm, fuzzy feeling it leaves you with. 

How could I make a list without mentioning this hilarious comedy?! Buddy gets accidentally transported to the North Pole as an orphan and grows up thinking he's an elf,  creating all kinds of havoc due to his human size. He then heads to the New York to search for his true identity and ends up meeting his businessman father, before trying to strike up a relationship. Expect plenty of big belly ho-ho-hos, as well as, the more tender moments in one of Will Ferrel's finest films.

Another rom com but this time, this follows the intertwined lives of different people leading up to Christmas Day, with one emotion connecting them all: love. There's loads of famous faces (including Hugh Grant, Bill Nighy, Colin Firth, Emma Thompson, Liam Neeson, Kiera Knightley, Alan Rickman; I could go on!), twists, laughs and even a few teary moments; everything you'd want for a truly British Crimbo flick.

The Nightmare Before Christmas
Some people may argue that this film is more for Halloween but it's one of my favourite Christmas films to watch and definitely falls in to my top 5. Jack Skellington, the king of Halloween Town, stumbles upon Christmas Town and falls in love with it - try not getting 'What is This?' stuck in your head! After kidnapping Santa Claus, he tries to do his own Christmas; until things go completely awry. If you love Tim Burton or slightly obscure movies, you'll certainly love this one and it's a great alternative to watch this Christmas.

Four Christmases
Some people love Christmas and others do not; this film follows how a couple who usually spend Christmas on vacation away from their crazy families, get stranded in the U.S. and have to visit their four divorced parents in one day. This one is a bucket full of emotions, laughs and love and is a definitely easy watch when curled up on the sofa with your loved one.

Highly Recommended
There are a couple of others that didn't quite make my 'top 5' cut but are still very much worth the watch: The Muppet Christmas Carol, Home Alone and Gremlins. All fun, family faves that are easy-to-watch!

What are your favourite Christmas films?

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Amy Tinson