Winter Comforts

Sunday, December 13, 2015

The leaves have changed colour, the nights are getting dark early and it’s rather chilly out there; winter is definitely on it’s way. 

Despite always referring to myself as a sun-worshiper, winter is becoming my favourite season with each year that comes and for today’s post, here are some reasons why.

  • Cosy clothes. It’s time to crack out the over-sized/my boyfriend's jumpers, comfy leggings, boots, fluffy slippers, big coats, warm gloves and scarves. It’s time to cover up the skin and get cosy and cuddly – my favourite.
  • Darker nights. This is a weird one but I do love when the nights draw in quicker as it gets me in a really festive mood. Plus, it’s more of an excuse to snuggle up on the sofa with a blanket and watch Netflix!
  • Warm drinks. Hot chocolates with cream and marshmallows…need I say more?!
  • Christmas. My absolute favourite time of year and evidentially, my boyfriend’s birthday (he could be Jesus, who knows?!). Love, laughter, family, friends, presents, trees, decorations, an abundance of yummy food and drinks, Xmas songs and movies, joy and happiness; plus many more!
  • Wintery walks. There’s nothing quite like getting some fresh and rather chilly air after being cooped up inside, especially when it’s a sunny winter’s day, simply bliss.
  • Bubble baths. Bubble baths and I get on at any time of the year but during the summer, they tend to become cooler and I can’t soak in them as long as I like. When winter comes round however, a relaxing, hot bubble bath is always welcome.
  • Reading. Again, reading can be done at any time this year but during the winter, cosying up with a hot chocolate, blanket and a lovely book (I adore Christmas-related novels, my guilty pleasures!) is an absolute weekend must!
  • Comfort food. As much as I love salads and lighter meals in the summer, I feel no point in denying myself the yummy and filling food of winter. My body is being covered up by warmer clothes anyway, so who cares about the extra couple of pounds? Dark and cold nights are for warm and comforting foods and don’t even get me started on Christmas!
  • Stormy weekends. Miserable and cold outside? No worries, there’s no work so just head on back to bed and get under that toasty duvet.
Right, I’m off to go for a walk…oh, alright then, another Netflix marathon.

What are your favourite things about winter? Let me know in the comments below.

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Amy Tinson