Colab Dry Shampoo Review

Monday, November 24, 2014

Over the past few months, I have been trying to get my hair back its former glory and in order to do so, I have been changing the whole hair-care routine, including washing my locks every other day. This is all good and well, except for the fact that my hair gets greasy rather quickly and by the second day, it feels and looks pretty manky. This then means that dry shampoo has become my hair saviour and I'm constantly on the look out for new ones to test.

When I heard that Ruth from 'A Model Recommends' was releasing her own line of dry shampoo that would leave no white marks, I was hooked. I knew I'd have to try it out and when the need - a.k.a. a 3 for 2 offer - came for me to visit Superdrug, I went straight for the hair aisle. The Colab range is quite extensive considering it's only recently been released but I opted for 'New York'. 

The following day I was implementing the 'no-wash on second day' rule so it was the perfect opportunity to give it a go. I let my locks down, shook the bottle (vigorously) and sprayed away. My instant impressions were as follows:

"What a lovely scent!" followed closely by "oh my wow, it's invisible!"

The smell of 'New York' is quite floral and sweet but personally, I feel it suits me. The second amazing thing is that there are no white marks, no powder, no streaks...nothing! I was astounded for use of a better word. It was a fantastic surprise as, I have to admit, I was doubting the claim. 

After getting over the excitement of the invisibility, I then got to see whether the product actually worked. And I'm afraid to say, that it just didn't work for me. It budged the day-old look slightly but not as much as I expected. I was really disappointed but maybe I held my hopes up too high? Who knows. I plan to keep using it until it's empty though - I hate the thought of wasting products that I've spent money on - so we will see if my view changes over time!

Have you tried Colab Dry Shampoo and if so, what did you think?

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  1. I've never used any dry shampoo yet. Thanks for sharing this post, Amy. xx

    1. That's awesome, how have you got away with that?! I have to admit that I do like it for hiding greasy hair!! A xx

  2. I used to hate dry shampoo but I might start using it since I want to stop washing my hair everyday.Great review! xx

    1. There are some really good ones out there so yeah, give them a go! :) A x

  3. I loveeeee dry shampoo so I'll be checking that one out pretty soon ! Great review ! :)

    1. Thanks. Let me know how you get on with it if you do!! :)

  4. Fab review, great that it's invisible :) x

    The Belle Narrative

    1. It is brilliant because of that fact to be fair! :)

  5. I love dry shampoo, it's absolutely saved the coniditon of my hair! I mostly use Batiste and it actually does make my day old hair look freshly washed, I can usually get away with it for about 4/5 days (if I'm really busy/lazy) Maybe try just using this a bit more generously? That might have more of a long lasting effect but still remain visible :)

    - Becca xx

    1. Batiste is my go-to dry shampoo too! Wow, 4/5days is impressive!! Thanks for the tip, I'll try it and see if that makes a difference :) A xx

  6. also I would say spray it, leave it for a couple minues then give your hair a bit of a massage to work it in, leave it for another 30 seconds or so before you style it xx

    1. I tend to do this anyway but didn't seem to make a difference. I'll try again when I use more though! Thanks Becca :) xx

  7. I'm not normally that big on dry shampoo but I've heard such amazing things about the scents of these that I need to try them! Great post

    Katie xx


    1. Let me know how you get on if you try them Katie! The invisibility is impressive :) A xx


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Amy Tinson