Lip Product Addict Tag

Friday, November 21, 2014

It's tag time again and it's all about the lips.

I was tagged to do this by the fab owner of 'Beautylymin' (see her post here) and I've been thinking of the answers for a few weeks now. 'Beautylymin' is an amazing blog full of great reviews, so check it out!

On to the questions!

1. Favourite balm or treatment.
Currently, this has got to Burt's Bees Lip Balm. I apply a little every night, it works it's magic and by the morning, my lips are feeling soft and moisturised. It's brilliant stuff!

2. Best eye-catching red.
I love a good red lip so this was quite difficult to decide on. In the end, I had to go for Rimmel Lasting Finish By Kate Lipstick in 01. A beautiful bright and sexy looking red that is perfect for evenings out.

3. Best luxury and best drugstore lip product.
Well, if you read my blog you'll know exactly what my best drugstore lip product is going to be. It's Bourjois Rouge Edition Velvets - of course! These are b-e-a-uuutiful. Matte finish, incredibly long-lasting and the bright colours are stunning.

L: 'Ole Flamingo!' and R: 'Hot Pepper'

I have to confess that I don't own too many "luxury" lip products so this was a pretty easy one to answer: Elizabeth Arden's Beautiful Color Moisturising Lipstick in 08 'Sunburst'. It's not my usual colour (a pale pink with very fine gold glitter particles running through it) but when on, it looks gorgeous; especially when accompanying a tan in the warmer months. It's also long-lasting with an incredible formula.

4. Best Mac lipstick.
Seeing as I only currently own one - yes, I know! What is up with that?! - this will have to be 'Patisserie'. A gorgeous pinky nude that is the perfect, easy-wearing lipstick for any occasion.

5. Most disappointing lip product.
Rimmel Lasting Finish Colour Rush in 710 'Drive Me Nude'. After falling in love with Revlon's Colorburst Balms, I was looking to try out some similar (and slightly cheaper) products when I found the aforementioned. It was such a disappointment. The formula didn't sit well with my lips at all and clumped in all the wrong places, it then lasted all about 15 minutes. The pigmentation wasn't great either. Thumbs down to these balms!

6. Lip liner - Yes or no? 
No. I know I probably should but when I do it just looks awful. If anyone has any tips, it'd be greatly appreciated!! 

7. Favourite gloss.
I have a few really but narrowing it down leaves the Maybelline ColorSensational Gloss range. These are incredibly wearable with many lovely colours to choose from. They are also not overly sticky which is a bonus as no-one wants the whole hair-stuck-to-lips on a windy day look - ain't nobody got time for that!

L: Shine Gloss in 105 'Cashmere Rose' and R: Cream Gloss in 137 'Fabulous Pink'

There you have it! 

I am not going to tag anyone in particular for this one but if anyone reading it would like have a go, please be my guest and let me know if you do, I'd love to read them! 

Have a great weekend lovelies!

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  1. Great post, I don't own many highend lipsticks either, theres so many great highstreet lip products out there.

    1. Thank you! I agree, highstreet lip products can be brilliant!

  2. Love this! I now have a few products to add to my want list!

    1. Glad you like it! Let me know if you get any you like ;)


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Amy Tinson