Bourjois Rouge Edition Velvet Lipstick Review

Sunday, August 24, 2014

It's finally here! The Bourjois Rouge Edition Velvet Lipstick review I keep promising and I am über excited to be writing it at last! I have completely fallen head over heels for this product, so much so, that I have already convinced a couple of friends to get it - it's that good. 

I bought this lipstick in the shade 'Ole Flamingo!' as part of a Boots haul (see the relating post here) after hearing so many people rave about it. I mentioned in my Birchbox July Box Review that I tend to play it pretty safe when it comes to lip colours, meaning this one is massively outside of my comfort zone due to being so bright. To be honest, I don't even know what came over me when buying the colour because it's very different to my normal. But, boy, am I glad I did! 

It is a beautiful, bright pink that, after a couple of carefully applied layers, is stunningly bold and eye-catching. It's by far the nicest colour I own when it comes to lip products - it's bloomin' gorgeous.

The consistency is really good and like I said, transfer is great although I choose to layer it up a bit to get the full affect of the bold colour. The formula is definitely matte and literally lasts for hours. No, seriously, this stuff just doesn't come off! As Anna said in her post about them, you have to scrub the colour off at the end of the day - that's after a busy day with eating and drinking in between - and even then, there's still the slightest tint left that comes off after another intense lip scrubbing session the next morning; it's stubborn stuff. It's majorly impressive at how long it lasts and I've wowed so many of my friends and family for this factor alone. 

Nikki, my best friend, recently picked up the shade 'Hot Pepper' and it looked so gorgeous on her that I think it may have to be my next purchase. It's a stunning bright red, that again just lasts and lasts. 

Even though I am late in doing a review, I've got to say that Bourjois have got it just right with this launch and I'm sure I'll end up with the full set of brights from the collection at some point. They're simply amazing

OK, enough gushing, I think you can tell it's my ultimate lip love by now!

Have you tried the Bourjois Rouge Edition Velvet Lipsticks?

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  1. I really do love how matte this is when it dries, I'm gonna have to pick up a few next time I go shopping :-) // ♥

    1. I didn't like the matte-ness (is that even a word!?) at first, but once I was used to the feel, it was great. Hope you like it if you get it! :)

  2. I've never tried but it looks gorgeous on you. Perfectly matched with you neutral eye makeup.

  3. I haven't tried this yet but it looks SO GOOD on you!


  4. such a beautiful shade! really suits you

    from helen at // blog sale

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    1. Thank you Helen, I really do love the colour :)

  5. Wow, really beautiful color! And it suits you so well! Think I will check it out ^^

    1. Thank you, it's nice to hear that it suits as I've still been a little nervous wearing it due to it being so out of my comfort zone!
      I hope you like it if you get it! :)

  6. Wow that colour is beautiful! I'm definitely adding it to my shopping list.


    1. Isn't it just! I hope you like it as much as I do!! :)

  7. That's a really pretty color and blends evenly on your lips. Seems like a great product.
    Would you like to follow each other? I always follow back.

    1. I adore the colour, so gorgeous. Yes, it does blend very well! Definitely a product I'd recommend :)
      I have also followed you. You have a lovely blog :)

  8. Iv recently bought one of these, they are amazing! x
    Everything Beauty

    1. I'm glad you think so too! Thanks for commenting :) x

  9. Thank you for your review!) it looks amazing on lips!

  10. This looks so good! I already got Nudist which I really like but i have my eye on this too :)
    Kookii || The Beauty Diary♥

    1. It is a beautiful colour! I've not seen Nudist but I'll have to check it out! :)


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Amy Tinson