Liebster Award Nomination

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Wow. I cannot believe I've been nominated for the Liebster Award after only a short time of blogging! Thank you so much to Ciara, owner of the fab blog Love Once Upon A Dream, for the nomination and thank you for all the support and love you readers have been giving me. It's truly appreciated and nice to know that my efforts are starting to pay off! 

So, what's the nomination all about? The Liebster Blog Award is an internet-based award that's handed out from blogger to blogger and is designed to help people find new blogs to read and follow, as well as being a fun way to get to know the blogger behind the blog. It's lovely to have been recognised and I'm not going to lie, I'm feeling pretty proud to have been nominated!

To the rules and they are as follows:
  • Link back to the person who nominated you
  • Answer all the questions that you are given
  • Choose 11 bloggers with less than 200 followers on Bloglovin' to nominate
  • Pick 11 questions for them to answer and let them know
Now, the questions from Ciara.

1. If you could live in one city, where would it be?
This was quite a toughie for me after always seeing myself as a country gal. Having to choose though, it'd be London all the the way. Simply because the vibe you get when visiting the city is amazing and it seems to be a completely different way of life there.

2. What is your favourite beauty brand?
Currently, it would have to be either L'Oréal or Rimmel; mainly because most beauty products I own are from these two. They're great quality and reasonably priced, plus they're easier to find near me than the higher end brands such as Mac.

3. If you could live inside the world of a book, what would it be?
Easy. Harry Potter! I am such a Potterhead, plus I like all things fantasy and magical so it'd be the perfect world for me - "He-who-must-not-be-named" aside, of course! If only, eh?!

4. What is your guilty pleasure?
First off, as previously mentioned in Giovanna Fletcher's books review, McFly are a massive guilty pleasure of mine. I've loved them since I was a teenager and I'm pretty sure that love isn't going to die any time soon! Secondly, cosy nights in. I probably enjoy these way too much but there's nothing nicer than snuggling down in the evening and chilling out.

5. If you could on shop (clothes) from one store for a year, what shop would it be?
Again, another tough one - good questions Ciara! I'd say New Look as I tend to buy most clothes from there.

6. Which artist/band could you listen to all day?
Deaf Havana, Lindsey Stirling, Paramore, The Killers, Alex Clare, Blink 182, McFly (obviously!), Canterbury, Imagine Dragons, Bowling For Soup, P!nk, Ed Sheeran (especially his new album), Florence + The Machine; the list could go on... 

7. What is the one food that you could never live without?
Can I just say "desserts"? No? Ok... Well, I'd have to say Tiramisu; man is that stuff delicious. Ooh, and potatoes! Best vegetable ever. You can do so much with the humble potato, the possibilities are endless!

8. On the days where you need a little TLC, what do you do to pamper yourself?
I put on my "comfies" (which usually consists of joggers, slouchy top and warm socks), tie my hair up, take off all make up, light a nice candle, slap a face pack or face cream on, pour myself a glass of wine and settle down to watch a girly film. Bliss.

9. What movie (individual or series) could you watch over and over again without getting bored of it?
I am a huuuge film fan so I've gone for three films that I could watch over and over again and they are: Beauty and the Beast (my favourite Disney film that I will never stop loving), Pitch Perfect (comical genius, as well as an amazing soundtrack? Yes please!) and The Dark Knight (incredible is all I can say about that film).

10. What was the last movie or show that made you cry?
I cry all the time when watching TV or films, seriously, I'm such a soppy git. The last time though was when watching Odd Thomas. Seen it? If you haven't, watch it. Clever and different, with a heart-breaking ending.

11. If you could go back to any time in history, what would it be?
I'd want to go back to the 40s/50s/60s era as it sounds wonderful; the music, the hairstyles, the clothes...just everything! If anyone builds a time machine, please let me borrow it, just for a few days or weeks; thanks :)
The bloggers that I'd like to nominate are:

My questions are:

1. What's your favourite place to eat and drink?
2. What's the best beauty and/or life hack you know? 
3. If you were stranded on a deserted island, what three items would you like to have with you? 
4. What's a random fact about yourself that not many people know? 
5. Money is no issue and you get to visit anywhere in the world, where would you go? 
6. What is your most prized possession?
7. Name the last film or TV program you watched that you can't stop telling people about it.
8. If you could be any animal, what would you be and why? 
9. What's your biggest achievement to date?
10. If you could create a TV show, what would you call it and what would it be about? 
11. What's one beauty-related item that you cannot live without? 

Thanks for stopping by and, again, for all your support :)

Much love,
Amy xx

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  1. I enjoyed reading your answers. Great post!

  2. Thank you so much for nominating me. I've been nominated 4 times I think now but i'm literally the mots forgetful person ever and keep forgetting to post about it! Definitely got to start a to do list ;)

    I'm also so glad that you liked my post on the perfect books for Summer. I really, really appreciate the support and love. Thank you, thank you!

    Melissa (

    1. That's quite alright, I really enjoy reading your posts :) Don't worry, I'm terribly forgetful too so I know how it feels ;)

      They sounded great summer reads, I've already downloaded a couple to my Kindle, so thank you! :)

  3. Whoops I've accidently nominated you aswell....


    1. Oops! Well thank you so much anyway, it's nice to have been thought of! :D I'll answer your questions in a comment instead. Thank you again :) x

  4. I love your music taste, Ed Sheeran's newest album is so beautiful, I love it so much too! Your TLC night in sounds EXACTLY like my perfect night in! Thank you so much for the nomination, I've taken a slightly different approach here: This was such a lovely post to read x


Thank you for your comments!
I enjoy reading each and every one of them!

Amy Tinson