Nails of the Week #8

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

I decided that this week was a great time to try out a polish from the French Connection Collection received on my birthday.

My brother, sister-in-law and niece got it spot on when it came to my birthday present of nail varnishes and chocolate - I mean, what more could a gal want?! There were five gorgeous colours in the set, all of which I'm sure you'll see crop up in a post somewhere in the future, so keep an eye out for those.

Being still in full-on summer mode, I opted for the brighter pink - frustratingly, the polishes don't have names so colour description will have to do - and it looks really pretty on. Being a nice deep pink, it will also look good in the winter as it won't be too flamboyant for the colder months. The colour really is lush!

Aside from not having a colour name, there were a couple of other niggles I had. Firstly, the brush is pretty rubbish. It's very small and is a bad shape, making application hard and the end result looking like a botch-job, despite my efforts to try tidy it up! The other down side is that quality isn't great and it started to chip after only one day's wear - not good!

As lovely as the present was and as grateful as I am, to be honest, I wouldn't choose to buy these varnishes. But... It's not all bad as I do really like the colour so will wear it again and I'm still looking forward to trying out the others too.

What's on your nails this week?

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  1. what a gorgeous color, sad to hear it started chipping after only one day though :(


    1. It is a gorgeous colour! But I am gutted it doesn't last long, chips really annoy me :( I will still wear it again though, for the colour alone! :)

  2. That is one of my favourite nail polish colours. But I do totally agree with Jessica, it is a shame that it chips so soon after application, because I reaaalllyyy hate painting my nails :( - Great review though! :D x
    - Nicole (

    1. Mine too Nicole and it is a big shame :( Guess you just can't win 'em all, eh?!
      Thank you! :) x

  3. I love that color!! I have nominated you for the liebster award! Check it out here. :)

    1. Aww, thank you! I'll check it out :) Thank you again!!

  4. Aw! I thought because it was French connection it would be good quality!! :/ did you use a base coat?
    I'm glad you liked the present though! :D

    1. I know, was a shame it didn't last longer! Yeah, I used a base and top coat. But I still loved it anyway so thank you again :)


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Amy Tinson