ALS Ice Bucket Challenge

Saturday, August 30, 2014

Apologies for no 'Nails of the Week' post this week but everything has been feeling pretty hectic and being the numpty that I am, I did not plan. At all. However, I did manage to squeeze some time in to do the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge and thought you all might like a laugh!

I don't know about you but for the past couple of weeks, my social media feeds have been completely taken over by videos of people chucking cold water over themselves. They have been hilarious. But what some people may not realise is that it's for a very good cause! ALS (or Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis) is a progressive neurodegenerative disease that affects nerve cells in the brain and the spinal cord and currently has no cure. The newest internet craze that is the 'Ice Bucket Challenge' started a few weeks with the view to raise money for the ALSA Charity, as well as, a few others (including WaterAid).

The idea of the challenge is that once you are nominated, you nominate some of your friends and/or family and then stand there, being filmed, whilst a bucket of ice water is chucked/poured/tipped/thrown/trickled/all-of-the-above over you. The reactions are priceless and some people are going all out to make their vids different and interesting. Many celebs are even getting in on the action! You are then meant to donate once you have completed the challenge, which can be done really easily by texting 'ICED55' to 70070 (this will send £5 to ALSA). Your nominees are then meant to repeat the above process and so it continues.

The awareness and money being raised is outstanding but as some people still don't know why were are doing these crazy videos, keep spreading the word and why not have a go yourself. Now you get the chance to have a good ol' laugh at my reaction; though I'm sorry for any swearing, it was bloomin' freezing!! 

Have you done the #IceBucketChallenge?

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Amy Tinson