Five Friday Favourites: Valentine's Day Films

Friday, February 12, 2016

As the big V-day is in two days, I thought I'd choose a selection of films to get you in the mood for some lovin', plus one that will make you feel kick ass if you're bah-humbugging the day!

  1. The Notebook. An adaption from Nicholas Sparks' novel, this emotional rollercoaster known as a film comes highly recommended when you're in the mood for something girly. Watch as Allie and Noah's whirlwind romance turns in to something deeper in this beautiful and sweet story, but be warned: it'll have you reaching for the tissues!
  2. Valentine's Day. If you're after a film that has a lot of famous names, plenty of laughs, is poignant and heart-warming, this is for you. There is one heck of a line-up, featuring faces such as Julia Roberts, Bradley Cooper, Queen Latifah, Jamie Foxx, Anne Hathaway, Taylor Swift...I could be here a while. This romcom will surely make you feel the love this weekend.
  3. He's Just Not That Into You. For those that don't have a man, have been recently hurt by a man or feel always let down by men, watch this now! This flick radiates women-empowerment and will help soothe your man troubles, plus it's real. I don't mean that it's a true story, but it is brutally honest and down-to-earth. It will leave you feeling positive and ready for everything, in a I-don't-need-that-shit kinda way.
  4. P.S. I Love You. Another book-adaption that will have you in floods of tears, it's definitely one to watch when you're in a soppy mood. It follows Holly after her husband passes away; only he's not gone forever and soon, pre-empted letters from Gerry start to arrive and take her on the most wonderful and heart-breaking adventures. It's incredibly lovely and heart-warming! Plus, who doesn't love Gerard Butler?
  5. 50 First Dates/Hitch/My Best Friend's Wedding. Ok, so I might have cheated a teany bit by putting these in one but as the DVDs are boxed together, I think we can all let it slide this time. Each one of these romcoms is brilliant; from a man trying to win over the love of a woman who loses her short-term memories every night to the guy who knows exactly how to get everyone else their perfect relationship but himself to a girl trying to break up her best friend's engagement because she realises she should be with him instead. They're fun, easy to watch and will definitely have you in barrels of laughter.
I'm such a sucker for a romantic film and will be getting cosy with one of these this weekend.

What films would you suggest watching on Valentine's day? Hope you all have a lovely one! 

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Amy Tinson