Welcome to The Reading Corner

Thursday, January 08, 2015

Lovely readers, I would like to introduce you to a new section of this blog; The Reading Corner.

For as long as I can remember, I've been a bit of a bookworm. I love to read but I always run out of time to do so, especially in the winter when I find myself getting obsessed with TV series instead. Therefore, back when the New Year was looming and the ever-important resolutions were being formed, I made myself commit to a resolution of reading at least 30 books during 2015.

Then I found out about Goodreads Book Challenges, which is basically my resolution but on a website with lots of other book lovers doing it. I set myself up with an account, created my 'personal challenge' and away I went! It makes tracking my progress a lot easier. You can also read other peoples' reviews, join discussion boards, add books to different 'shelves' (such as books you've read, ones you want to read etc.) and all that extra stuff that you'd want from the site. It's just great

With that being said, this post is basically a little heads up that over the next few months, you're going to be seeing quite a few book reviews, including those you see pictured above.

I'm really rather excited about this resolution and if anyone would like to join me on this little challenge, then please do be my guest! It doesn't matter what books you read or when you read them, just so long as you do it and then let me know, as I'd love to know your progress - Millie, I'm already looking at you! 

Do you have any book suggestions for me to review this year? Let me know down below and I'll make sure I read them, if I haven't done so already! 

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  1. Really want to get my hands on 'Not That Kind of Girl' if you read that one anytime soon please let me know what it's like!


    1. I sure will Kim! It's meant to be very good so am looking forward to reading it :)

  2. I really want to read gone girl! Sounds like a great new years resolution! :) xx

    1. Thank you, I think it should be good. Yes, I've heard it's a great read! I'll put up a review once I've read it though, don't worry :) xx

  3. Sounds great, you have so many awesome books in your list that you are going to love!

    Abi xo | http://wanderlustdaydreaming.blogspot.co.uk

    1. It was your book haul during Vlogmas that made me want to get back in to reading so thank you for that! I can't wait to start one of them, too many to choose from though! :) x

  4. That's so nice. I always loved reading. I am very excited to read this section on your lovely blog, Amy. xx


    1. What are you reading at the moment Nina? Thank you, I'm excited too! I've just finished one book (not pictured above) and a review will be up over the weekend hopefully :) xx

  5. Hahha we are so on the same wavelength! Mindy Kalings is so relatable and hilarious! Looking forward to seeing your challenge and reviews :) what are you going to choose first? :) xx

    1. We are!! :) I'm going to start with 'Girl Online' I think, then go on to Mindy Kalings'. I've heard it's very funny! Same goes to you too :) xx

  6. this reminds me i need to get back to my reading!

    from helen at thelovecatsinc.com

  7. Ooh this is really exciting! You're definitely convincing me to join in - I've read less and less since I started at uni (ironic since I do an English degree!) and I'm in my second year now and really missing it.
    millie xx

    1. Yay! Would be great if you did join in! Haha that is pretty ironic but I know how easily falling out of it can happen :) Should definitely think about getting back in to it, keep me updated? :) xx


Thank you for your comments!
I enjoy reading each and every one of them!

Amy Tinson