'Christmas at Rosie Hopkins' Sweetshop' By Jenny Colgan

Saturday, January 10, 2015

By the amount I have been talking about it, I'm sure you've all seen that 'The Reading Corner' is now up and running on this blog. Well, I am pleased to say that I have already read my first book - go me! - and what a delightful one it was to start with.

After being my completely indecisive self and not being able to figure out which book to read first, my Mum leant me one that she had received for Christmas and seeing as it wasn't too far from all the frolics and festivities, I decided that I could happily start a Christmassy book and not feel to weird about it - not like I would if I was to start it in July or something! - so I thought "why not!".

'Christmas at Rosie Hopkins' Sweetshop', written by Jenny Colgan, is actually a follow-on from 'Welcome To Rosie Hopkins' Sweetshop of Dreams', which I haven't had the pleasure of reading quite yet, not that it mattered too much as I was soon able to catch up.

The plot follows a quaint village, that seems to be in the middle of nowhere, in their run up to Christmas and focuses particularly on the character, Rosie. It starts off being very cute and you learn that Rosie's family live in Australia but want to come visit for Christmas. Then there is a terrible accident and without giving too much away, the lives of those in village turn upside down, especially so for Rosie. The storyline then goes up to Christmas Day with some ups and downs along the way.

After reading this novel, a few words came to mind that I had jotted down in my phone's ever-trusty 'Notes' app: heart-warming, tear-jerking, funny and all-around lovely. And it really is all of those things wrapped up in a hardback with a pretty cover. With a few sad moments along the way, the book is mostly light-hearted and completely endearing and I found myself grow rather fond of Rosie - and Meridian, her three-year old niece who reminded me so much of my little niece!

I haven't a bad word to say about this book, however, it is an incredibly easy read. But to be honest, for the first book after Christmas and of my '30 in 2015 challenge', I'd say that an easy read was just the thing I was looking for to ease me in! I also adore the few little recipes that are tucked in the back pages and will definitely be giving them a go in to not-so-distant future!

It really is the sweetest (see what I did there!) story and is perfect for these cold winter months.

Have you read 'Christmas at Rosie Hopkins' Sweetshop' or any other novels from Jenny Colgan?

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  1. I'll definitely have to pick this up! I've read the first book but not this one x

    Antonia | Fifi and the Diamonds

    1. If the first one is as lovely as this is, then it's definitely worth the read :) x

  2. I've read the non-christmassy one of these so I definitely want to read this one too! I love Jenny Colgan's books! xxx

    1. It's a really nice read that makes you smile, so if you enjoyed the first, then definitely read this one! I'm actually thinking about getting another one of her's, what would you suggest? :) xx

  3. i love the fault in our stars have you seen the movie ?? molliemacsween123456.blogspot.co.uk

    1. Not yet! I'm going to try read the book then watch the film, but I've heard it's great! :)

  4. sounds like a good book:)


  5. This sounds like a lovely book! I'll definitely pick this one up.


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I enjoy reading each and every one of them!

Amy Tinson