A Note on Goodreads

Sunday, January 10, 2016

Back in January last year, I started two reading challenges found on the Goodreads website; the first being a personal one of reading 30 Books in 2015 and the second an A-Z Challenge. 

Unfortunately, I didn't quite complete the A-Z Challenge with still needing two letters but I did manage to smash my goal of 30 books - go me! 

The decision to start these challenges was made to motivate me in to reading more and it clearly worked. Plus, it was so. much. fun! I loved working towards some goals and after catching the reading challenge bug, I know that this year I’ll be able to push even further. It also helps that there are literally hundreds of people that are doing the same kind of things as you and the forums are easy to comment on and update. I particularly found the ‘A-Z’ Forum helpful when finding books to read on the trickier letters! 

This year, I am partaking in three - yes, three! - challenges; a personal one of reading 50 Books in 2016, an A-Z Challenge: Character Edition and the I-Spy Challenge: Book Titles Edition.

Have you ever taken part in a Goodreads Challenge? Are any of you part of a book club? 

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Thank you for your comments!
I enjoy reading each and every one of them!

Amy Tinson