Have you ever had that moment where a bottle of your daily product coughs and sputters out it's last drop and you have a realisation that there is nothing to replace it with? Well, this happened to me not too long ago when I was doing my night-time routine and not one, but three products became empty.
When it came to painting my nails last Sunday, I was happy to see they were in much better condition after having a 'week off'. But I still wanted to take it a little easy on them and opted for a lovely light colour, which turned out to be perfect for the sunny winter week.
Second book out of thirty has now been read! After finishing the first one, I picked out 'Girl Online', written by Zoe Sugg, from the line up and I'm glad I did. Although, this is a slightly...weird one, shall we say, to review after all the recent news on it but I'll come on to that shortly.
With the excitement from Christmas and New Year subsiding, it was time for my body to compute that winter is in fact still upon us and spring is a good couple of months away. This means that the weather in the UK is still pretty bleak, the days are still short and winter comfort food is still my best friend and after whipping up a delicious batch of Broccoli and Stilton Soup - may not sound appealing but I assure you it is! - I thought I'd share my recipe with you.
There is no 'Nails of the Week' post today, as I've been giving them a bit of a break after all the glitter polishes over Christmas and didn't think you'd want to see photos of my bare recovering nails! But, a New Year means a new Birchbox and January's box has now landed on my doorstep.
There's a new addition to my daily routine; well technically, there's two! My beauty stash and I would like to welcome Bobbi Brown's Corrector and the Bobbi Brown Concealer Blending Brush.
I was one lucky lady before Christmas - hence the festive-themed photos - because I won the awesome giveaway from 'Beautylymin' and I could not have been happier with what I received! The wonderful prize was the Cheeky Sweet Spot Box O' Blushes from Benefit and my word, is it beautiful.
Despite the festive season being over, I still wasn't ready to give up on having fancier and sparklier nails and after a little inspiration from an old old post of Anna's, I decided to do a little 'dot-to-dot' design for the first full week of 2015. And do you know what? I've really enjoyed wearing it!
By the amount I have been talking about it, I'm sure you've all seen that 'The Reading Corner' is now up and running on this blog. Well, I am pleased to say that I have already read my first book - go me! - and what a delightful one it was to start with.
Another one of my New Year's Resolutions - you can see the first one in my MUA Haul - is to visit 12 new places throughout the year. I am an avid fan of days out, exploring new places and going on adventures, as well as, having the opportunity to practise my photography, therefore, this seemed like an interesting and fun resolution to have. I also decided to start it a little early and visit a new (to me) nature reserve one cold winter's day.
Besides from my obsession with eye shadows, palettes in particular, I have another obsession that I care to share with you today: lip products.
Every year, I find myself expanding my horizons, trying out new colours and filling my drawers with lipsticks, glosses, balms and pens. As my love for all things lip-related blossoms more and more, I thought I'd do a quick round up to give you my lip loves from 2014.
Hello everyone!
This is just a very quick update to let you all know - if you haven't seen already, that is - that there are going to be a few improvements to Amy's Corner over the next few days, starting with a new section called 'The Reading Corner' and a whole new layout.
With so many massive changes already happening to me at the start of 2015 - being made redundant and therefore now in search of a new job, plenty of big New Year's Resolutions to be sticking to, some bits and pieces in my personal life, to name a few - it felt only fitting that my blog should get a new and an improved look, as well as, some extra content.
I'm trying to make my little slice of indulgence on the internet look and feel more crisp, clean, professional and easy to read. If you have any suggestions, tips or even constructive criticism, please do leave it in the comments below as I'd love to know your opinion!
Have a wonderful weekend lovelies.
Amy xx

Whenever the opportunity arises to go see one in the cinema, I'm there, ready and waiting to be scared out of my wits. Sometimes this happens but it is more than often not the case and I leave the cinema wondering why I wasted my money (case and point: 'Annabelle').
With one of my New Year's Resolutions being to move back out of my parents' house and in to my own place again, I knew that 2015 - after spending Christmas treat money, obviously - would mean tightening up the purse strings. But with a promonent fixation on beauty products and the constant want and need to experiment and test out different looks, I knew that something was going to have to give.
So when I saw MUA, a budget brand I had been loving for a while now, had a 35% off sale, I couldn't resist taking a look. Then when I saw that a further 20% would be taken off my next order if I signed up to the newsletter - which, to be honest, I thought I'd already done! - I knew this was a good a time as any to get some items to test out whilst I save up those pennies for a flat.
1. Your view today - Bobz & fairy lights, 2. Favourite holiday movie - 'The Holiday' & 'Love Actually', 3. Red - Diptyque Épice Candle, 4. Joyous - Happy to have one of Costa's Blackforest Hot Chocolates, 5. Today's temperature - Icy, 6. Shopping - Birmingham Frankfurt Christmas Market, 7. Bright - Sunny day in Worcester, 8. Ornament(s) - Snowman at work, 9. Something you're reading - 'Cold Feet at Christmas' by Debbie Johnson, 10. Wrapping paper, 11. Green - Lunch at Pizza Express, 12. A beautiful sight - Willow decorating the mini-tree, 13. Family - "Friends are the family you choose", 14. Christmas tree, 15. Favourite holiday song - 'Fairytale of New York' by The Pogues, 16. Outside Christmas lights - Lights on the tree at The Robin Hood, 17. Presents, 18. Stockings - Throwback to when my brother and I used to open our stockings in my Mum's bed, 19. Candy cane, 20. Tree topper - Our snowflake, 21. Peace - Lovely meal at The Angel Hotel, 22. Tradition - Girls day out with my Mum, 23. Scarf, 24. Favourite part of Christmas Eve - This year, it was dinner at The Fleece Inn, 25. Morning - Christmas morning breakfast, 26. Grateful - Loved all of my presents, 27. Night time - Willow playing with Bobz, 28. Words - Awesome Christmas card: "Down With Sprouts!", 29. Sky view - Sunset at Coombe Hill Canal, 30. Your Winter Wonderland - Throwback to a snowy Christmas in 2010, 31. Fun - New Year's Eve group shot