Photos of the Month: September

Wednesday, October 08, 2014

I must have said this at least a hundred times already, and for that I apologise, but I really love Autumn. I love everything about it. The colours, the freshness, the start of wearing jumpers, shorter days, hot chocolates with marshmallows, cosy nights in, Halloween, Bonfire Night, scarves! Oh, how I love scarves! It's definitely turning in to my favourite season the older I get. 

I wanted to get out in September to capture the start of the fall and figured a walk in a local nature reserve would be the way to go. After doing a quick search online, I found an ancient woodland not too far from me. I wrapped up warm, grabbed my camera and headed out. 

The leaves at Trench Wood were in the midst of turning so the range of colours wasn't quite as stunning as expected, but still beautiful all the same. It was a very peaceful place, with only a few birds singing in the trees and I spent a good few hours wandering the paths that had been cluttered with some of the already-fallen leaves, enjoying the wildlife surrounding me. 

Other than the incredible nature that was before me, the walk was lovely and simple. 

There was one moment, however, which did creep me out and because of it, I realised it was time to admit that I probably watch way too many horror films. 

Whilst making my way back to my car, something in the corner of my eye captured my attention. Quite a way in to the denser part of the woods, there was something that resembled a parked vehicle. Now considering I had only seen a couple of other people (and even though I felt perfectly safe), my heart started to hammer against my chest and before I knew it I was venturing towards it to take a closer look - I do like a good adventure! As I got closer, it was clear that the object in question was in fact a car and the brave-nut inside me decided photographs needed to be shot so off I - carefully! - went. The old car had undoubtedly been there for a while as it had sunk in to the ground and was covered in rust. It was awfully eery; though luckily, no demon possessed me, no ghost appeared and no crazy people came to torture me! After a short time of snapping away and letting my imagination run wild with horror-esque situations, I decided it was time to go but it sure was an interesting addition to my walk to say the least.

I hope you enjoyed my scary little escapade, as well as, some of my autumnal photos and that you all had a wonderful September. Let me know if any of you are interested in photography, I really like to see other people's work! 

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  1. Beautiful photos! I'm more of a spring/summer fan, but I must admit I love the autumnal colours.

    1. Thank you :) Oh yes, I love Spring and Summer, especially when the sun is out! Have a nice weekend :)

  2. These images are stunning! Not going to lie though, those tree's reminded me of The Blair Witch Project! xx


    1. Thank you Katie :) Haha, yes! I hadn't even thought of that but they do!!
      Have a great weekend :)
      A x

  3. I can never get boring of Autumn!! This magical season is definitely my favorite!
    Lovely photos! ;)


    1. "Magical season" is a great way to describe it :)
      Thank you!

  4. The pictures of the abandoned car look so good, I can't believe it was just left there. I probably wouldn't have got out of the car to look, I wish I was as adventurous as you.

    1. It was creepy! Thank you for your comment, never really seen myself as adventurous so it made me smile :) Hope you are well!

  5. Beautiful pictures, the abandoned car looks so cool! I'm so happy it's Autumn, it's such a pretty season!
    Becki xx"

    1. Thank you Becki, it really is very pretty! And yeah, was cool...eery though!!

  6. You're a great photographer! Also, I can't believe that car! So creepy, just left there. At least you got to take awesome pictures!

    1. Thank you for your kind comment, I'm an amateur at best but I'm learning! :) I know, it was so creepy but you're right, at least I got the photos!

  7. Gorgeous photos!! I am in love with Fall, too! Everything about is just perfection! xo

    1. Thank you! It is such a great season (apart from the heavy rain which we've been having all week so far...miserable weather!) :) x

  8. You've got some really good pictures and your blog is really nice

    1. Thank you so much Lauren, lovely to hear :)

  9. Beautiful pictures! I love fall too. It's my favorite time of year. I've become interested in photography since starting my blog. I enjoy the challenge of creating attractive images to include with my posts.

    1. Thank you Myra. I've taken a look at your blog and some of your photos are wonderful, you have a real talent :)


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Amy Tinson