Nails of the Week #14

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

This week has seen me go a little outside of my comfort zone with the choice of colour and I've got to admit, I'm still not sure on it.

The varnish in question is 'Ocean Blue' from Maybelline's Color Show range; a royal blue that has fine glitter running through it that adds a glossy sheen. I like brightly coloured nails, but in truth, I've never gone for royal or rich blues. Don't ask me why as I haven't got a clue, I've just never been drawn to them. However, when one of my colleagues handed me the bottle - as she quite often does when she buys shades that she ends up not wanting...not that I'm complaining, it's great! - I instantly liked the colour and couldn't wait to try it on.

I do think it is a gorgeous colour, don't get me wrong. But I'm not sure it's 'me'. It's definitely more a summer colour and would be a perfect holiday toe-nail colour. I just can't decide on whether it suits me!

OK, I'll stop rambling about the shade now. When I applied the first coat, I thought the formula was rather thin but another coat did a much better job of getting full opacity! The durability of this lacquer is the same as always, not too bad with chips showing over the week and a few touch ups having to be done here and there. But for the price (and the fact I got this one free!), it isn't half bad

What's on your nails this week? 

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  1. Love this colour! Your nails are in amazing condition!

    1. Thank you! I do try to keep them looking OK :)

  2. Remember I am available to receive any nail varnish/ anything really, that you don't want!! ;) ;)

  3. You have such pretty nails!
    Let us stay in contact :D
    Do follow me on GFC G+, bloglovin and twitter @naomiganzu. Would love to add you back!!!! :)

  4. Gorgeous color Amy. xx

  5. Replies
    1. Thank you, looking back I really like it :)


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Amy Tinson