Love Me Beauty July Box Review

Sunday, July 27, 2014

You know what? Love Me Beauty is doing pretty damn well in my eyes. My second box has now arrived and I am impressed

Again, the three menus were so difficult to choose from - I wanted each one! I decided to go for Menu 1 as it had a few things I was intrigued to try. I was also incredibly happy to see the menus consisted mostly of makeup, which is a nice change from having the skin care as well as the cosmetics.

The packaging was pretty much same as last time, pink tissue paper accompanied by yellow funky packing paper stuff - what is that called?! Whatever it is, it's become very handy when wrapping presents! The packaging and information card is simple, which I like as you don't have added clutter. Although, it would be good to perhaps have a few more information cards. Can never have too many hints and tips!

The first item pulled out of the box was Ofra's Pressed Eye Shadow in 'Sublime'. This was one of the things that drew me to Menu 1 as I loved the look of the colour. It's a very pretty, dusky pink that has little glitter particles to give added pazzazz. The pigmentation is fantastic and does last on the lids for quite some time. It is heavy on the glitter and dust but I have found adding a little at a time worked better when applying. This was the first full size product with an RRP of $15 which works out at roughly £8.80.

Next was the Lashem Lash Enhancing Serum. This stuff is meant to nourish and condition your lashes, giving results of longer lashes within two weeks. I've yet to try it but I will be sure to give you an update on Twitter. The full size, 3.5ml, would cost £40, meaning this 2.5ml sample works out at roughly £22.80.

Another eyelash related item in my box was So Susan's Flutter Mascara. I really like So Susan as a brand after receiving some products in previous beauty boxes so am always keen to try out more from their lines. This mascara is actually pretty great! I do find that waterproof mascaras usually work better at making my lashes look longer, thicker and all that jazz. But this one did a good job! My eyelashes definitely became longer, thicker and darker on application and the brush is also decent, sturdy and not too big.  Plus, can we just take a minute to admire the shiny gold packaging? Gorgeous! This was another full size product at a cost of £14.95.

On to the eyebrows now and the main reason I went for Menu 1. My hair recently went from being dark brown to having blonde highlights so I've been having some trouble trying to find makeup that doesn't make it look like I've got two dark caterpillars crawling above my eyes! I saw this menu had two eyebrow products and thought that I owe it to the brows to give them a go. 

Ofra's Universal Eyebrow Eyeliner caught my eye in particular as it was meant to suit all skin tones and I was hoping it would work well. And to be honest? It actually does! It's ever-so-slightly on the dark side (anybody else start thinking of Star Wars there?!) but it isn't half bad. It applies easily, giving good colour transfer and lasts all day. It seems to be just what I was looking for! Yet again, another full size item at an RRP of $13 which works out at around £7.60.

The second item for the ol' brows was So Susan's Dual Brow Powder. Now I've tried this previously and don't get me wrong, it is good, however, the shades just don't match my eyebrows. One is too light and one is too dark and they are way too noticeable. So a great product, but doesn't suit my needs. I'm sure one of my friends or family members will get the use out it! Another full size product with a value of £11.95.

Finally, I had The Teashed Northern Brew Teabags. My word are these scrumptious and everything you'd want for a tea, strong and tasty. Don't be fooled into thinking it's too weak when adding milk - like moi - because even though there isn't much colour, it's full to the brim with flavour. 110% going to be buying some more of these bad boys! These have a cost of £3.50 for 20 bags.

And that's it! Another brilliant beauty box offering and one my eyes will certainly be enjoying. I can't get over how many full samples you get in these boxes, giving the total value of the box at roughly £69.30(!!). Come on, for £12.95 (inc. p+p) how can anyone complain at that?! To find out more info or to subscribe, click here.

What did you think of Love Me Beauty's July box? Do you subscribe to any beauty boxes?

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Amy Tinson