Bonus Post: Limonada de Coco

Monday, July 07, 2014

It's July (the month of my birthday - eep!) and I'm feeling a little generous so here, have a bonus summer post! Today, we're going to be talking about cocktails - Frozen Coconut Limeade to be exact. 

It was Sunday morning and I was having a laze in bed, drinking coffee whilst catching up on some blogger's posts I'd missed during the week, when Anna's mention of Frozen Coconut Limeade in her Lips, Lorac and Limes post captured my attention. It looked and sounded delicious so I instantly clicked on the link to Smitten Kitchen's recipe and decided that I might I would have to make them! 

To reiterate, this isn't my recipe; I'm just sharing it with you as it was truly scrummy

On to the ingredients and you will need:
- 2 1/2 cups of crushed or small ice cubes (depending on the size of your drinking glass, more may be needed)
- 1 cup of coconut milk 
- Juice from 3 limes
- 3/4 tablespoons of granulated or superfine sugar 
Optional extras:
- White rum
- Slices of lime for garnish (let's face it, we all want our drinks to look fancy!)

The "how to" is super simple. All you need to do is put the ingredients in to a blender and whizz away to your heart's content...well, until you get the desired consistency anyway. It's that easy. Pour in to a couple of glasses, add your lime slices and enjoy!

It's a mouth-watering mix of sweet and sour and is very refreshing. It's perfect for warm summer evenings and you can change it any way you wish to suit your own tastes.

Do you have any summer drink recipes? Share them below, I  do love a good cocktail!

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Amy Tinson