You know what? Love Me Beauty is doing pretty damn well in my eyes. My second box has now arrived and I am impressed!
Again, the three menus were so difficult to choose from - I wanted each one! I decided to go for Menu 1 as it had a few things I was intrigued to try. I was also incredibly happy to see the menus consisted mostly of makeup, which is a nice change from having the skin care as well as the cosmetics.
Is "deliciousness" even a word? If it isn't, it should be as it sums up my birthday weekend perfectly!
London offers up some fabulous restaurants, cafés and food joints so when myself, my Mum and my Aunt headed there for a weekend I saw a little bonus post in the making.
We travelled up on the Saturday morning, stopping at the services for a quick coffee and to grab some water bottles to keep hydrated throughout the day. We managed to get in to London just after midday and with some time to spare before our show, we decided to quench our thirst and grab a drink. We found a busy little pub near to the Apollo Victoria Theatre and ordered some very "summer-afternoon-esque" drinks of Pimms - yum!
I'm now the ripe old age of 23 with my birthday having officially come and gone. But I sure celebrated in style!
Here are some of the pictures from the manic but fab few days, enjoy!
With an extremely busy week ahead where I was going to be doing two completely different things (a long weekend in London for my birthday followed by a few days camping in Wales), I just knew choosing a colour was going to be an arduous task. I wanted something that would look eye-catching when I glammed up for the big city but would also look pretty for adventures in the great outdoors (and chilling on the beach - obviously!).
Looking through my nail varnish stash, one of the newer additions caught my attention. I mentioned how much I loved it in my 'June Favourites' post...any guesses yet??
I adore reading! I'd read all day, every day if I could but alas, I have to work, eat, sleep...
Every so often a book really stands out. Whether it's because it has an awesome twist, has me in tears or in stitches throughout, if I related to it somehow or simply just enjoyed it for no deep reason. Therefore, I've decided that I am going to share such a book with you lovely lot when that happens, so that maybe you'll end up reading it and loving it like I did.
I bought 'Fractured' on the Kindle on a bit of a whim; I'd just finished a novel and had nothing ready to read next so I had a bit of a Kindle Book splurge. I'd read a few reviews and it sounded promising so I thought to myself "why not?".
Not to get all boastful but I'm pretty proud of myself right now. I worked especially hard on a project at work and it got noticed by higher management, meaning I was rewarded with £20 to use at a choice of shops - go me! Scrolling through the list of places, my eyes fell on "Boots" and that was it, a few buttons clicked and the vouchers were mine.
I don't know why but for the past couple of weeks I have had a real hankering for nude nails. Suffice to say that this week's varnish, Maybelline Color Show in 'Latte', definitely reflected that. I even managed to choose straight away - what's going on?!
Have you heard of #100happydays? Up until a few months ago, I hadn't. Therefore, when photos with said hashtag started popping up on my Instagram feed (@nglashan, I'm looking at you), boy, was I intrigued!
Just when you think 'Birchbox' can't deliver another amazing offering - boom! - the next box arrives and knocks your previous one out of the water. I'm not exaggerating either, I have been having these beauty boxes for a few months now and they keep getting better and better!
Another week, another nail colour and this time, I was feeling something nude. I must have at least three or four boxes full of varnishes so choosing was going to be a difficult task...
Confession time: I maaay have a secret-that's-not-so-secret love for McFly - seriously though, who doesn't find themselves singing along to their incredibly catchy tunes?! Well when I saw that Tom Fletcher's wife, Giovanna, had not only written one book, but two, I simply had to check them out.
Now on to the nails...