Nails of the Week #28

Sunday, February 22, 2015

If you saw this post here, you'll know that picking out a nail colour for this week was going to be a tough job. So. Many. Choices.

Well, seeing as it was still quite close to Valentine's Day at this point, I was feeling one of the pinks and eventually settled on Barry M's Speedy Quick Dry 'In A Heart Beat'.

I'm not sure how best to describe this colour other than: gorgeous. But if I had to, I'd say it was a salmony/coraly pink that would be lovely for spring but also would be great worn in the summer when you've got a good tan going on. It's brightuplifting and made me feel good wearing it. Though it also made me totally ready for some sun!

This is the first varnish I've tried from Barry M's new range and I must say, I had my doubts. However, they have done it again and wowed me! The first coat dried within seconds, the second a tad longer and the third (put on for good measure) took a few minutes at most. I was flabbergasted! For anyone who is going to use these though, be careful. As the formula is so quick to dry, you need to be speedy on application. I've read a few reviews that said using thin coats is better and others that say thick is the way to go, personally I found that more varnish on the brush was easier and better.

One other thing that made me extremely happy was that Barry M have given these polishes a flat and rounded-end brush - hurrah!!! It made applying the stuff so much easier and I truly believe every nail polish should come with this as standard. Seriously!

Last thing to mention is the lasting power. I did notice a few chips crop up over the week but not as many as if it were a normal Nail Paint, so again, another fab feature!

All in all, I'm very impressed with this new range; Barry M really know how to get it right! This colour is totally stunning too! 

What's on your nails this week? Have you tried the new Speedy Quick Dry range from Barry M?

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  1. Stunning colour! Will have to get it! xx

  2. Such a lovely colour, come on sun, we need you! Barry M always do the best nail varnishes, the names are super cute too! xx

  3. Love this color, Amy. Perfect for spring. xx

  4. I love this color! I wish America had these range of nail polishes!
    I have nominated you for a Versatile blogger award! :) Here is the link!

  5. Ahhh I love this color!

    xo, mikéla /


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Amy Tinson